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Your app will be rejected for this reason!

Your app will be rejected for this reason!

If you use "Sign in with Apple" in your iOS app, your app will be rejected for this simple reason.

Hamza's photo
·Nov 4, 2021·

2 min read

Recently we sent our app to Apple for review and the only thing that we added from the previous version was "Sign in with Apple". I felt I should share my experience with you, so that you are prepared for this in case Apple rejects your app too.

Apple's rejection reason: Screenshot 2021-05-19 at 1.37.20 PM.png

After reviewing Apple's rejection reason, we were absolutely confused why it did not work. Our Implementation was 100% correct and Sign in with Apple worked perfectly fine on all devices we tested, even the iPad which we currently do not support for our app.

So why did Apple rejected our app? Let's find out!

Upon testing our app on Simulated iPad device with same OS version, we found out that "Sign in with Apple" does not proceed with the flow after users enter their Apple ID password and rotating spinner never stops and flow gets stuck on that point. Hence Apple reviewers consider this a BUG in YOUR APP. What a painful blocker!!!


Will all the apps get rejected? Yes, most probably, but depends on reviewer.

How did we get our app approved?

'We replied to Apple', stating that the issue was on their end and not our end. We also quoted a link which refers to a thread where thousands of other developers have reported the same issue... Here's the link to thread:

Also, We did not change/upload a new build and we did resend the same rejected binary to Apple to review it again on a "REAL DEVICE" instead of a simulator.. I think they did continue the review process with a "Real Device" and ultimately the app got "Approved!" 🎉

If Apple reviewer who is reviewing your app is already aware of this issue, I think there is a good chance they will consider testing your app on a Real device instead, without prompting you with the issue.

Apple's review team uses 'iOS Simulators' to test our apps, so we will have to let them know that they need to use real device to Test apps that use "Sign in with Apple" because to this date May 2021 this issue hasn't been resolved by Apple.

I hope my experience helps you get your app approved!

Happy coding!!

Hamza -