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Why everyone should learn programming?

Why everyone should learn programming?

Raj Thombare's photo
Raj Thombare
·Jul 4, 2021·

4 min read

Why everyone should learn programming?

Hello everyone, this blog is all about programming, why everyone need to learn to code?, even Steve Jobs who's an American Business Magnate has suggested to everyone to learn to code in his past interviews, so in this article I'll be talking about how programming will be beneficial to everyone? more importantly, what are the reason to learn to code so, lets head to why everyone should learn programming?

Why programming is important?

Everybody prefered reading newspapers in the past but now in present we prefer news applications which are very handy and with swiping up, down we can read news and people now a days who have smartphones, mostly prefer news applications. In the past, we were using Analog CDs, DVDs but now we the help of internet connection, we can watch movies on Netflix, Hotstar like streaming applications which we do also we were using heavy and big books but now we have e-books, audio-books so we have every alternate options even now because of the pandemic which we are facing in present also it is impossible to go to your Colleges, Universities etc but now we are using online platforms to study which need a smartphone/laptop/PC and an internet connection. So, Things are moving towards growth now which i don't think anybody would have thought in the past. There you go! why we need to learn to program? Y'all must be wondering what is the connection in this?

so here i tell you,now if anybody asks why we need to read? here is the scenario, there you go with your 3 friends and one friends asks you to read a books and imagine that you don't know how to read so, there how you will feel likewise in the coming years programming will be so common that everybody must be knowing how to code and imagine your friend giving you a taunt; you don't even know how to code? they'll definitely will be laughing at you. you are thinking that what he is telling but in the future things are going to be automate with the time! programming will be at its peek when you'll see it in the next 5 years! so again, you have the question; why you should learn to code?

Steve Job's says, "Coding teaches you how to think", suppose you are solving a problem or developing an app to do that you split the tasks into many sub-tasks and then you solve each sub-task and probably you take the aggregate and solve that big problem. so, if you do programming or coding it teaches you how to approach a task, divide them into sub-tasks and how to get the correct solution. so, what Steve Jobs wants to say that, it develops problem solving skills in you.

If I talk about some particular people who have been working in manufacturing facilities or production facilities, we all already know that the automation has to be come in future, machines will play major impact or will do work more than human! it does not mean that there will be no human monitoring! there will be human monitoring but the kind of people they'll need should have vast knowledge and understanding of system or the people who knows how to program and how to communicate with the machines or computer. So, the second point is, if programming is simple then why we are not doing it? to do coding or any other stuff you need discipline, patience! I'm not saying that you have to be genius to be able to do coding! if you have the patience, discipline you can code, you don't have to be genius, you are willing you can then trust me you can! and then eventually you will understand things better.

You can convert your ideas into reality! you just thought something to develop and you can actually make it possible to convert it into reality with coding. For example,Mark Zuckerberg got the idea of connecting peoples, then he developed Facebook. You thought you want to jealous your friends by uploading some pictures which you clicked in probably Mexico, then you developed Instagram, you have a PC which is not high-end or doesn't have high specifications but you want to play games on it so you thought of developing an app which doesn't require any specifications and with the help of cloud hosting, host you can play that game, so if you know programming you can make them convert in reality and imagine if your one idea got boomed then probably you can be the next billionaire.

It improves your inter-personal skills and communication skills.There you are working in a team, your full team is working on app development then there you'll have collaborative efforts, interaction with others so there it will increase your communication skills basically it will help you in personality growth.

It can provide you job opportunities and freelance work as well! So, now you must be justified by reading this article about why you need to know programming or coding.