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What's your test coverage like?

Robert Old's photo
Robert Old
·Nov 24, 2017









14 votes · Closed

From reading around, it's an article of faith amongst developers that tests are mandatory. This constrasts strongly (and worryingly) with my professional experience - in my first dev job on a very mature product which has hardly any. I'm not sure how much is unique to my company, and how much is down to the distinction between programmers who write blog posts about best practice and those who murmur guiltily from the sidelines ;)

In this talk Sandi Metz polls her audience but you don't really get to gauge the answer, so I thought I'd ask here :) I've had to adjust the options slightly however, as I'm only allowed 4 options.

So, in all projects you have worked on, what's 'typical' code coverage with tests? For concreteness, let's assume we're measuring it in terms of methods under test, and that by 'typical' I mean 'if I walk into a new job anywhere on Earth (except for Google, Facebook or the like) what coverage should I realistically expect to find?'

Obviously additional comments/ observations would be received with interest!