An object is a collection of properties. It is also known as hashtable.This property has a key value pair. The values can be any of the data types in JavaScript like string, number, Boolean etc.
For example, We can have a phone with several properties like phone name, phone version, phone battery capacity and so on These properties are what define the phone object.
Phone = {
“name” : “tecno”,
“version”:“android 10”,
This is known as JSON meaning JavaScript Object Notation.
There are several ways used to declare objects in JavaScript but two will be treated here;
1. Using the “new “ keyword
This helps to create a new instance of a JavaScript object
const ObjectName= new Object()
const Phone= new Object(); “tecno”;
2. The key value pair method
Key represents the name of property while value is the value of that property.
const ObjectName = {
“key1” : “value1”,
“key2” : “value2”
In order to access an object’s property, we use the ObjectName.Key to access the value attached to the specific key
//logs “tecno” to the console
//logs “tecno” to the console
Methods are actions that can be performed on an object. They are simply functions stored as properties of object. Examples of these methods include;
1. Object.keys()
This returns an array containing the keys of an object.
const Phone = {
“name” : “tecno”,
“version”:“android 10”,
//logs [“name”, “version”, “battery”]
2. Object.values()
This returns an array containing the values of an object.
const Phone = {
“name” : “tecno”,
“version”:“android 10”,
//logs [“tecno”, “android 10”, “3000mAh”]
To find out more about these object methods, visit (…)