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Heal here

Mahak Faheem's photo
Mahak Faheem
·Mar 29, 2021·

6 min read

Feeling your mind ain't an issue, feeling bad about it, is!

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We all already know that a significant population is struggling with mental health problems but only a small percentage of them talk about it or seek any professional aid. We are often unaware of such people even if it is someone from our own family, someone living next door, or maybe someone sitting in the same church beside us. However, only half or even less of those affected receive treatment, often because of the stigma attached to mental health. Therefore, mental health is the need of the hour. Here's a demo video.


We are not our brain Chemistry!

13 (1).gif Studies reflect that more than 40% of countries have no mental health policy, more than 30% have no health program and more than 25% of countries have no mental health legislation. Moreover, more than 33% of the countries allocate less than 1% of their total health budgets to mental health. This shows how mental health is neglected globally. 9.png As a result untreated, mental illness can contribute to higher medical expenses, poorer performance at work, poor happy index, and increased risk of suicide. Also, the pandemic has resulted in an increased number of cases related to mental health.

Let us soothe your mind

Our application, Soothe has been designed as a platform to help the vulnerable population not overlooking mental health. To promote and avail mental health diagnosis and treatment at minor stages and prevent serious illness and support telemedicine and digital solutions for cognitive, emotional, mental aid. 16.png We have designed an app that can easily be used by all the people in need irrespective of their age, place, or time that will expand mental health access and also empower telemedicine. Firstly it can diagnose a range of disorders with all age groups preferring the treatments, games, or sessions with effective digital remedies. It will provide disorder or illness-specific treatment packages available for the users as well a weekly report will also be generated to study the improvement rates and ease self-assessments.
17.png Our other approach is to aim to aid people who suffer disorder and cannot afford to seek aid and require post-traumatic care. Soothe will also be integrated with a chat system that will provide a conversation of users with interested psychologists and experts while investing their points in several activities. A volunteer portal has been introduced in case a user needs help from authorized experts and retired psychologists to volunteer them for improvement. Users can also share some restricted posts in the feed so that they are engaged with therapies and other activities. We are contented to contribute towards digital alliance amongst doctors, developers, and volunteers. 18.png

We ensure careful soothing

6.png Currently, there many applications trying to resolve and aid mental health issues but not all of them are validated or are collaborated with the professionals.

  • Some apps provide incorrect and misleading information to the users.
  • They offer therapeutic interventions or services but actually are ineffective and leading to a belief that the patient is treatment refractory.
  • Most of them are not secure, they allow improper and unauthorized access to personal health data. Our application has been designed and developed to overcome such issues. It strictly follows the APA model approved for mental health apps. Thus, providing a safer and secure place for aiding our user's needs.

Our technology stack

While designing our application Soothe the technologies used for the product’s functionality to identify the features and enable the user to have a set of capabilities. The used technologies for our app are:

  • Package Manager- We have used NPM that is Node Package Manager which is a package manager for the javascript. It is a subsidiary of GitHub that provides hosting for software development and version control.
  • Front End- For the frontend we have used React JS and Tailwind CSS. React JS is used to create interactive UIs and design simple views for each state and render just the right components when your data changes while Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework that operates on a lower level and provides you a CSS helper classes to create custom design easily.
  • Back End – For backend, we have used :

    • Node.JS - it is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs and executes code outside a web browser.
    • Firebase

      • Authentication – using Google Sign In 15.png
      • Firestore- for storing real-time data 14.png

'The journey is the journey within'

Mental health should be a priority in every place because it can impact us including our personal and professional lives. Through this application, we have outlined how mental health can affect people and what support should be provided for those who are struggling with it. This app made us learn that if you or someone seeks to need support from you our application will stress out the system and will allow you to council yourself that fits with your specific needs and get in contact with a counselor in easy steps. It’s our priority to provide you with the support that is tailored to your needs so that you can start putting your mental health first. We have learned a great deal about what a teaching counselor and personal tutor entails, both personally and professionally with respect to mental health provision through our app. This includes, for instance, the abilities to identify mental health difficulties, evaluate their severity, and know when and how to recommend or help people self-refer to the Soothe counseling or disability service. 7.png

All in all

Millions of people are suffering from mental disorders but only a small percentage of them seek professional aid. Mental health is often misunderstood, especially by those who do not suffer or had suffered from it. Recent years have seen important developments in preventive and therapeutic digital tools such as games, digital psychotherapies, etc. yet despite the potential interest in such tools to improve treatment of mental disorders and to help prevent them, the field remains understudied and information is under disseminated in clinical practice. The app aims at connecting people, doctors, and technology. The app focuses on the particular section of society hence providing them better treatment and facilities. It helps people with social anxiety and physical limitations to come forward and lead a happy life. So if you experience it then express it, we are here to heal you. Soothe offers you free as well as paid subscription packages. We integrate medical content and therapies designed by professionals and provide everything on a single application platform-Soothe, in a very convenient and affordable range. Our app can also be used as an exercising tool for a healthy mind and a happy lifestyle. “Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but, importantly, YOU ARE NOT THE RAIN.” — Matt Haig.

Click on the image below to access our web app Soothe.
