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Selectors in CSS

Selectors in CSS

M Srimanvitha's photo
M Srimanvitha
·Jul 23, 2022·

2 min read


In general, We will use CSS to style our HTML document. To style our HTML document it is important to select the correct element. Selectors are used to target the element which we want to style. The most basic CSS selectors are:

  • ID selector
  • Class selector
  • Element selector

    ID Selector

    The id of an element is unique in the HTML page. So the ID selector uses the id attribute which is present in the HTML document to select the element we want to style. The ID selector uses "#" to target by id. For example #new, #first.
    Screenshot (34).png

    Class Selector

    The Class selector uses class attribute to select a specific class. The Class selector uses "." to select the target by class. For example: .but_one, .nav_bar.
    Screenshot (35).png

    Element Selector

    The Element selector uses element name i.e. HTML tag name to style the target. It uses "" to target an element. For example p, li.
    Screenshot (36).png

    Other Selectors

    - Chained Selector

    Chained selector uses more than one element to get our desired output. For example,

    - Grouping Selector

    Combination of two or more selectors can be done by separating them with a comma. Ex: p, li, ul, div

    - Universal Selector

    Universal selector selects all the elements present in HTML page. We can use Universal selector with the help of "*".

    - Combinator Selector

    A combinator is something that explains the relationship between the selectors. A CSS selector can contain more than one simple selector. Between the simple selectors, we can include a combinator. There are four different combinators in CSS:
    1. descendant selector (space)
    2. child selector (>)
    3. adjacent sibling selector (+)
    4. general sibling selector (~)

Screenshot (38).png


This is my first article. Hope you liked it and got an idea on Selectors in CSS.

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