Search JavaScript libraries
I usually work on enterprise projects so when I'm picking library I look (besides github stars) for its latest release, how it was active overall and what the source code looks like.
Basically, I was using github search which kinda worked but my workflow was like:
- search for something
- filter for javascript (and hope their detection works fine)
- sort by stars (because by default it sorts by relevance)
- open first two pages of those matches and check number of issues & activity
- close what doesn't meet my standards
- inspect api & source code of what was left
So I made a simple tool for that, it's called SearchLibs and now I only need to:
- search & quickly compare on one page (sorted by stars and activity + new/old packages are at the bottom)
- open & inspect what I find promising
It was in "beta" for more than year (for me and my friends) and now it's finally public so if you find yourself in a need for a library, you can give it a try.
Any ideas or comments are welcome.