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My Web3 Journey with Blockgames ...

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

My Web3 Journey with Blockgames ...

Jude Miracle's photo
Jude Miracle
·Mar 8, 2022·

2 min read

About Blockgames

Blockgames is a platform that orients people of any level of experience in tech. Whether you are a beginner, mid or expert in web3 development. Through their 8 week program, they will teach you how to build the most popular blockchains, then you will compete against others to build the best projects.

According to their website:

Blockgames is a highly competitive game competition focusing on blockchain technology and how to leverage it to solve real-life problems.

The program is divided into 2 phases, phase one is a basic introduction to blockchain technology where you’ll be allowed to learn as much as possible about blockchain.

Phase two is the game phase, where you’ll be applying everything you have learned during the intro phase and before the intro phase (on your own) to try and survive the various challenges that will be thrown your way.

My Story

Ever since I heard about web3, a version of the web in which people own and control their data and all central entities/authorities are eliminated which is known as decentralization. I have always wanted to explore the web3 ecosystem. I'm a frontend developer with 1 year of experience and am good with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript. Am pretty familiar with tools like React, Next.js and Gatsby.

My Aim

My goal is to get familiar with Solidity and be able to build some simple projects in the web3 ecosystem. I know that the mentorship and training blockgames have provided for us will help me grow and improve my skills.

I will be articulating everything I have learned and all the tasks given to us here. Hence, monitoring my progress so far in the web3 space.


So far the first task was to write an article on the major Difference between Web2 and Web3, which I did here is the link to the article.

Stay in touch for more.