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My Tiidelab Experience, Episode 3.

My Tiidelab Experience, Episode 3.

faruk suleiman's photo
faruk suleiman
·Oct 7, 2021·

2 min read

Hey there, I have a set of goals to achieve this year. Prior to this time, I have not been very confident that these goals are achievable then as I am today. The third month has gone by and I think I learned in the third month alone much more than I have in the previous months combined.

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-07 at 1.45.41 PM.jpeg As most of you might have known, these article series are targeted at people who want to venture into the software development world, those that are already there, and as for others reading for knowledge or for fun, there might be a thing or two to pick up from these articles. Just like the saying goes, “Experience is the best teacher”.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-26 at 8.45.54 PM (1).jpeg So, getting down to business, having an idea of what your lecturer will be talking about prior to the time of lecture can really aid comprehension. Trust me, I learned that the hard way, I have gone through a class before and had no idea what the purpose of the topic of discussion is. That and constant practice, in my opinion, is what I think pushed my performance up a notch. The learning system has been the same, just like in previous months except mentors are now in the picture which is something I am very excited about. Fellows were recently grouped and assigned mentors which a couple of us were assigned to Mr. Molema.

Screenshot 2021-09-30 083231.jpg Mr. Molema Our first meeting with Mr. Molema was really educating and inspiring. He made it known that our growth and development are of utmost importance to him and I trust he holds each and everyone’s success dear at heart. As I have learned and still learning from people's experiences and mine, so can you. I will be stopping here for now and will continue in the next episode.

image.png Thank you for taking your time to read this article, thanks to everyone and everything that keeps me going, Friends, Oxygen, Electricity, Friends, Algorithms, Data Structures, Javascript, Google, Stack Overflow, Mozilla, V8, Molema, Love, Football, AC Milan, Codarchs, Tiidelab,… and most importantly, God, above all, for making all of these possible. Au Revoir.

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