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My team and I's second portfolio bootcamp project 😌. lalala😅

My team and I's second portfolio bootcamp project 😌. lalala😅

Creating a blog and beating a challenge 💆

Portfolio Digital Marketing Team 6's photo
Portfolio Digital Marketing Team 6
·Jun 19, 2022·

3 min read

You must be getting the feeling that this project went better than the last one from the topic and cover picture. Right?🌚

We'll see😌, let me take you on our journey first.

Getting the second project

After a very short and much-needed break from the first project, we got our second project. We already knew that the projects would be back to back, but we weren't prepared for this😪. As expected, the second project was just as challenging as the first. All we could say was "omoooo"🥺. These people ain't taking it easy on us.

(I wish I could include images but Hashnode hates me and didn't give me the tools to do that🙂)

Well, I'll try to paint the picture.

Our Task for the second project was to:

+Choose an industry +Launch a blog using Blogger or WordPress +Create ( a minimum) of 6 articles. (Articles should have not less than 700 words and must include images.) KPI - 100 readers at the end of the week.

Getting the project done

With the lesson my team and I learnt from how we handled our last project, we started our project immediately we got it. Not immediately Sha😅, but after a series of "omoooo" and other reactions to the project, we began work💪. Oh and before starting work, we had a short prayer (we had to involve God o😂).

We started by agreeing on an industry (we chose the food industry). After this, we spoke about our blog name and dropped name ideas. We then voted on it and settled on AllDiet (this was after running it through Google to check if it was taken or not).

Then we agreed on the niche of the food industry we were going to create content for (because the food industry is broad). We agreed on food safety and health & food and lifestyle.

I was given the responsibility to drop topic ideas, and from those topics we picked one or two each and wrote on them. The topics were more than ten and at the end of the day we had more than 6 articles ready.

By Wednesday, most of my teammates were already dropping their articles. I also dropped mine on Wednesday. We then selected the best six articles.

I had the responsibility to create the blog and edit the articles before publishing. It was an hot task for me😩 and as the team lead I must never disappoint my teammates, so I gave my all to it. From understanding WordPress, to creating a blog, to selecting a theme, to editing and publishing, it was all God.🥺🙌.

I'll be honest, it was tiring 😩, but by Thursday guys, we already published five articles🥺. I published the sixth one on Friday morning.

We didn't wait until we had our six articles published before sharing. We started with sharing the links to the first three posts with our friends and family members. From there we started getting views, comments and feedback. Our blog even reached the abroad🥺. By the time we had our six articles published, we were already at about 500 views. As at now on Sunday (19/06/22), we have 1,229 views on our blog and over 100 views per blog post. I'm so proud of my team. We beat the challenge 🙌😌

This was only possible by teamwork and the support we got from our friends, families and even strangers🥺.

I can say this week's project taught me a lot of lessons. Among which are:

1.The power of teamwork.

2.The gift of friends and family.

My team and I are really grateful for the opportunity Side Hustle gave us. ❤️

PS: We've decided to keep the blog going (it still needs a lot of work 😅)

Here's the link to our food blog😊. We hope to bring you better content ✌️.

PPS: the proof of our work and blog stats will be attached to our tweet, since Hashnode has a beef with me🙂