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My #100daysofcode:Highlights

My #100daysofcode:Highlights

Victor Eyo's photo
Victor Eyo
·May 11, 2020

Having procrastinated on joining the #100daysofcode challenge for so long, I decided to actually do something in the new year of 2020. The hardest part of anything is actually doing it. Previously, all I could think of was the destination, being a software developer and not the actual process. However, I was able to muster enough to decide that consistent coding was key to hitting that endpoint and so I joined the challenge and declared it on my twitter handle. I purchased @angela_yu full stack developer course on Udemy and so I started. Here is how it went Day 1: Reviewed some basic concepts in html. I wasn’t exactly a newbie but previously I was just learning random stuffs on front end development without any structure. The course fixed that. Day 2-10: Favicons. Bootstrap. I totally enjoyed working with bootstrap grid layouts and components such as carousels and cards. I followed up a project where I made a portfolio page and deployed it using github pages. Static but great improvement Day 11-15: JavaScript Es6. Actual programming. For the exercise, my performance was mixed. Scaled some, failed some. Did further exercises on free code camp. Also watched some specific tutorials on JavaScript on plural sight. Day16: Started with the document object model (DOM). Now I admit that I kind of skipped through this. Don’t ever do this Day 17-22: Jquery, Command line, Version control. Day 23-30: Started on backend development with node js and express. These were the days I really stared at the pc and struggled. Day 31- 50: Api, Database, authentication and security. Day 50-100: I weaned myself off tutorials then and got to work. You see, the secret is to actually code. Fail, learn and try again. I wanted to work on some personal projects and I did. I also learnt how to build chatbots and configure word press websites. The greatest mistake code newbies make when approaching #100daysofcode is to actually think you must post your progress every day and get all those likes. I think that is cool but if you just starting out you might want to give yourself a break sometimes. Its your #100daysofcode, remember? Make sure you consistently review everything you have learnt and every project you have made. Projects are important. Take that project off the tutorial you’re watching and add some functionalities to it. Make it yours! I will be doing another round of the #100daysofcode challenge. Consistency is key. Push yourself to code till it becomes second nature.

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