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Must Read Developer Articles on Hashnode - #13

Must Read Developer Articles on Hashnode - #13

Syed Fazle Rahman's photo
Syed Fazle Rahman
·Oct 7, 2020·

7 min read

With hundreds of articles published on Hashnode powered blogs every week, here are last week's must-read articles published by amazing authors worldwide.

The Ultimate Vue Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Vue Cheat Sheet

Vuejs has become one of the most successfully applied, loved, and trusted frontend JavaScript frameworks in the developer community. In this article, Sunil Joshi shared a Vue Cheat Sheet to make developing websites easier for you.

How To Contribute To Open-Source Projects As A Beginner

How To Contribute To Open-Source Projects As A Beginner

Contributing to Open Source organizations opens you up to many opportunities and connects you with people doing extraordinary things worldwide. In this article, Catalin Pit explains the process of contributing to open-source projects as a beginner.

7 pytest Features and Plugins That Will Save You Tons of Time

7 pytest Features and Plugins That Will Save You Tons of Time

In this tutorial, Miguel Brito highlights the best pytest features and plugins that will speed up your development process.

Kickstart your Blogging Journey with Hashnode!

Kickstart your Blogging Journey with Hashnode!

Have you ever thought of writing a technical article but don't know how to get started? This tutorial by Ayushi Rawat will guide you through how to kickstart your blogging journey with Hashnode.

5 useful tips about the JavaScript array sort method

5 useful tips about the JavaScript array sort method

JavaScript arrays are an ordered collection that can hold data of any type. Arrays are created with square brackets [...] and allow duplicate elements. In JavaScript, we can sort the elements of an array with the built-in method called sort(). In this article, Tapas Adhikary explained everything you need to know about the JavaScript sort().

Reduce Google Fonts file size by more than 80%

Reduce Google Fonts file size by more than 80%

Sometimes we only need a font for a couple of words, like a logo or slogan. Why do we download the whole font file if we only need a few letters? In this post, David Ojeda shared how we can reduce our font file size by more than 80%.

What is Burnout and how does it affect you

What is Burnout and how does it affect you

Burnout is a reaction to prolonged emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion. It can affect a developer’s social life, mental health, and also negatively influence the way they work. In this article, Anita Ihuman shares what causes burnout and how to handle it.

Creating an About page on your Hashnode Blog

Creating an About page on your Hashnode Blog

Most of you probably know by now that Hashnode is a fantastic platform that allows you to create your blog. But do you know that you can customize it by adding your own pages? In this article, Victoria Lo shares how you can create an About page on Hashnode, why you need it, and what you can include in it.

3 Most Effective Ways to Optimize Your React App Performance Right Now

3 Most Effective Ways to Optimize Your React App Performance Right Now

Nick Bull shared three effective ways to optimize your React app in this article.

How One Guy Ruined #Hacktoberfest2020

How One Guy Ruined #Hacktoberfest2020

If you aren't familiar with Hacktoberfest, it is an annual event held by DigitalOcean that occurs every October. The essence of the program is to encourage developers to submit Pull Requests to Open Source repositories, and as a reward, you get a T-Shirt. This year, many open source organizations received many spam pull requests because of a youtube video. Joel Thoms shares his thoughts on how one guy ruined Hacktoberfest.

Things to consider when writing your next blog post

Things to consider when writing your next blog post

Before writing a blog post, there are certain things you need to do and fundamental questions you need to ask yourself to ensure your blog post is well structured and informative for readers. In this article, Helen Anderson shared seven things you need to consider before writing your next blog post.

Beginner Developer Roadmap

Beginner Developer Roadmap

A lot of people want to become developers, but they don't know what to do. Honestly, starting with nothing can be scary, challenging, and uncomfortable. That’s why Stas Klymenko shared this beginner’s developer roadmap to help you get started with your journey to becoming a fantastic developer.

⚛️ - The Ultimate i18n Guide (RTL and Headless CMS Included) for Next JS in 2020

⚛️ - The Ultimate i18n Guide (RTL and Headless CMS Included) for Next JS in 2020

When non-English software engineers evaluate any tool/technology, they are always concerned about Internationalization and RTL support. In this article, Faisal Alghurayri shares an i18n guide for Next JS in 2020.

S.O.L.I.D. Principles around You, in JavaScript

S.O.L.I.D. Principles around You, in JavaScript

The SOLID principles are a set of software design principles that help us to understand how we can structure our code to be robust, maintainable, flexible as much as possible. In this article, Francesco Ciulla shared S.O.L.I.D principles in JavaScript.

7 Lessons From My First Year As a Developer

7 Lessons From My First Year As a Developer

A few months ago, James Tucker marked his first year as a professional software developer after switching careers. He shared seven essential lessons he learned from his first year as a software developer.

So, you want to become a web developer? Here are the lessons I learned along the way

So, you want to become a web developer? Here are the lessons I learned along the way

Iva went from knowing nothing about coding to becoming a full-time web developer in 8 months. No boot camps, no university degree. Here’s her advice for you!

I wrote 200 articles during the lockdown, what did you do? 🤔

I wrote 200 articles during the lockdown, what did you do? 🤔

Chris Bongers has written and published 200 articles during the pandemic. In this article, he celebrates this journey and also uses the opportunity to remind us that no matter what the situation is, you can make the best of it!

3 Non-obvious Skills for Programmers

3 Non-obvious Skills for Programmers

In this article, Gregory Witek shares three skills that are not appreciated enough among developers but can help a lot you to become a better developer.

6 APIs & 7 Projects for your portfolio

6 APIs & 7 Projects for your portfolio

Learning to use an API is a must-have skill in the modern world. In this article, Ameen shares several fun APIs and projects that you can use to enhance your portfolio.

Why Do Developers Consider Moving to the New Edge Browser?

Why Do Developers Consider Moving to the New Edge Browser?

Is Microsoft going to reclaim the number-one spot in the web browser stakes? Read this article by Syazaril Asyraf to find out👀.

Nobody is working for 8 hours a day, Why?

Nobody is working for 8 hours a day, Why?

A knowledge worker spends an average of only 2 to 4 hours a day on productive work. The rest of the time is not used to do any meaningful work. In this article, Vignesh M shares his thoughts on why he believes nobody works for 8 hours a day.

The #2Articles1Week Challenge

Writing consistently plays a huge role in helping you become a better writer. It unlocks productivity, transforms perspective, and builds confidence. We believe your writing skill will improve tremendously after you've completed this challenge.

Join Hashnode's #2Articles1Week challenge to write, become a better writer, learn in public, and win some Hashnode badges.