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Make something today!

Make something today!

Andrew Wooldridge's photo
Andrew Wooldridge
·Sep 2, 2016

It's Friday as of the time I write this, and I know you are looking forward to a long weekend of relaxing and spending time with friends and family. I also know you are probably a Hashnode reader who is enjoying this amazing site full of great articles and Q&A.

My challenge for you, however is to take some time today and actually build something on the web. You've read all the tutorials, you have a GitHub account, and your text editor is just bouncing up and down in anticipation of the next project.

Take a moment and start something new. You know, that idea you've been kicking around. That service you wanted to try out. Take all that INPUT and make some OUTPUT.

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Sure, you are thinking "I've got work to do." You will always have work. It's your company's job to keep you busy. However you are not your job. You are more than that. Remember all those hopes and dreams you had when you started working?

It's not just about you. You are a citizen of the 'net and if you want to grow as a developer you need to strike out and try do build something all your own. Something that may benefit others, or delight, or inform.

And by build something I don't mean a new library or framework. I mean something someone can use now, without having to learn your special system.

Why? Why "waste" this time? After all, you've got more important things to do. Well, look at the web. Every day there's some new awesomeness. Somebody had to have an idea, the time, and the drive to make their passion real.

And those people are reaping the benefits of new opportunities, jobs, money, community, and the satisfaction that they built something that wasn't there before. And we are all also benefiting from their efforts.

It's how you grow as a developer when you realize it's just as important to output as input. Plus, it's fun!

So I challenge you to take the next step and go write that article, build that tutorial, create that prototype. Whatever it is, start it now. Don't wait for the mood or fancy. You'll always find something to distract you. Some new gadget, or news article, or Netflix episode.

You have something special. You have the skills, knowledge, and ability that only a tiny fraction of the world has at its disposal. If you were to step outside your office and go down the street to a local store, how many people do you think there are around you who could build some website from scratch, or use that hot new framework to build a desktop or native app? Probably not too many. And - they are too "busy" anyway.

It's up to you. You've got the magic book of knowledge, and you've graduated from Hogwarts. Spin the spells and make something real. You cannot imagine the satisfaction you will have. Much more so than catching that rare Pokemon, or sharing that article you only half-read with your friends.

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I'm excited! I want to be the first to hear about your new cool thing. Please let me know in the comments below if you accepted the challenge and started to build something new. And if you found this article of any interest, please share it so we all can get more new, cool, unique stuff.

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