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Introducing Tag Moderators on Hashnode

Introducing Tag Moderators on Hashnode

Syed Fazle Rahman's photo
Syed Fazle Rahman
·Dec 9, 2020·

5 min read

With recent updates to the tags, we added another ability for the community members to become tag moderators and control individual tags on Hashnode.

Tags are at the core of Hashnode. It helps us build a better feed algorithm and show relevant articles to the platforms' users. We hope to give control to the community with the introduction of tag moderators and moderation controls.

Why should you become a tag moderator?

There are various benefits of becoming a tag moderator. Here are the most important ones:

  • 👑 Get recognized as a community leader.
  • 📢 Help the community curate content in tags in a better way.
  • 🌎 Showcase yourself and your blog on the tag page as the moderator.
  • 🔥 Enjoy Hashnode Ambassador privileges and a gold ring around your profile. If you haven't started inviting friends to Hashnode to become an ambassador, you'll skip the process and become the ambassador directly.
  • 👏 Enjoy early access to all the future beta Hashnode features.


What controls do tag moderators have?

Every tag moderator on the platform will have the following abilities:


  1. Edit the tag metadata like logo, description, tagline, cover photos, official websites, official social media pages, etc.

  2. As a moderator, you will be able to untag an article that doesn't belong to the tag you manage. For example: if you are a moderator of #javascript and find an article that doesn't belong to #javascript, you can untag it.


  3. Tag any article with the tag you manage, if not present already.

  4. Enable/disable the "Top contributor" leaderboard for the tag you manage.
    If you believe the tag you manage should have a leaderboard, you can increase engagement by enabling it.


  5. Add or remove moderators in your tag.
    As the moderator of the tag, you'll be able to invite other community members to help you manage the tag from the settings page.

We ship new features every week and there are many planned feature upgrades for the moderators.

The first set of moderators

We are fortunate that some of the active Hashnode community members have come forward to become the first set of moderators.

#javascriptChris Bongers, Alyssa Holland
#cssMarko Denic, Adrian Bece
#reactjsAman Mittal
#nodejsTapas Adhikary
#pythonMiguel Brito
#awsAndrew Brown
#programmingMaxi Contieri
#swiftJohn Kouris
#flutterTadas Petra
#react-nativeMohd Shad Mirza
#goUmesh Yadav

Interested in becoming a tag moderator?

Help Hashnode moderate content on popular tags by volunteering to become a tag moderator.

  1. Explore tags and find the one you can moderate.
  2. Fill up this form.
  3. One of the team members will review and assign the role to you.

We hope these updates will make your experience on Hashnode even better. We look forward to hearing your feedback on our Discord channel.

Cheers! 🍺

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