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Eniola alex's photo
Eniola alex
·Sep 22, 2020·

2 min read

Internet is made up of incredible numbers of devices, distrubted around the globe to help connectivity

Internet was worked on by vint cerf and bob khan

Internet travels by 3 ways

  1. Electricity
  2. Light
  3. Radio

  4. By Electricity: Internet slips binary information made up of bits (1 or 0)

Bandwidth is the measurements of the bits send over time.

  1. By light - Internet travelling at the speed of light using fiber optic cables

  2. By Radio - internet travelling in form of wireless . Binary numbers transformed into waves.

Internet is designed philosophy and architecture expressed in certain protocol called internet protocol (ip)

Traditional IP address is 32 bits IP4 and the modern ip address is 128 bits IP6

Domain name system (DNS) DNS services are connected in distributed hierarchy . They are subtle to DNS spoofing

Information in the internet move in packet of data in different router. Routers are special devices that act as data manger . Its keeps every records of every packets of data and chooses the path of transfer (cheapest and reliable)

TCP: Transmission control protocol - its manages the packets of data

URL: Uniform Resources locator - it ask for his information using GET request and send information using POST request

Safe website uses SSL(secure socket layer) and TLS (Transport layer Security)

Encryption- Hide it and scrambled and Decryption - Readable and unscrammbled Modern information are encrypted using 256 bits key