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How would you code this?

Mike G's photo
Mike G
·Nov 15, 2017

Off the bat- I apologize for the obnoxiously long question... I wasn't sure if Hashnode was the best place to ask this, but I thought, maybe there will be someone who would like the challenge... To summarize what this question is- basically, I am starting my first ever real-world coding project, have a basic idea of what my game plan should be but need some guidance.

So I work for a small commercial real estate company. In order to "kick-start" my new venture in dev and provide myself a real-world coding project- I offered to create an app for our company.

I know when I offered this I bit off alot more than I can chew; since 1. I've only been coding for a year, 2. I know html and Css pretty well but haven't built a website from scratch with it, and 3. I am still only at the semi-beginner's level of Javascript. However, I don't have a deadline, since it is more of a side project I'll be working on this next year and based off of past experiences, biting off more than I can chew seems to be the best way for me to learn.

The following is a description of what the app's basic functions will be- following that will be my "game-plan" based off of my limited understanding of website and app development. As a note, even though our current website is built through Wordpress- I want this app, or portion of the website to be completely from scratch using html, css and javascript and learning whatever I need to to conquer each step.

Based on my understanding of app development- an app can be one of two things. 1. A part of a website that allows users to perform actions- coded with any language and hosted on the website's server. 2. A mobile application downloaded from the google or ios store- to be coded purely with swift or android's language.

For this "App" I hope to start off by creating a website version and if it is shown to be helpful, eventually creating an IOS/Android version.

App functions: Essentially, this will be a "portal" between our brokers and clients (building owners or clients looking to buy/lease properties). The owner will have a UN/Pass which will allow them to see the buildings we are listing for them. They'll see the listing itself (photos, building specs, basically everything the public can see on our website), but they'll also be able to see notes from their real estate agent. This will include a calendar that shows when there will be showings at their building, and a status feed of notes from the agent informing the owner how the showings went, and files or photos uploaded by the agent. There should also be a way for the client to communicate to the agent in the app, via "commenting".

Game Plan:

  1. Design in photoshop how each page will look
  2. Map out application functions based on the ui
  3. Setup the login page UI
  4. Create a database and user login system (using Javascript Node?)
  5. Setup user permissions (not quite sure even where to start with this one yet)
  6. Create portal pages as seen by client or agent using html, css, jquery
    1. section that shows the owner's
  7. Create functionality of portal pages
    1. Set up a way for the agent to "link" or assign buildings with an owner
      1. Figure out how to query our property listings which function as Wordpress "posts" to become cases or profiles that can hold notes and updates
    2. Calendar editor for the agent and viewer for the client
    3. Create posting system for the agent (similar to the look of a twitter feed) using ajax, jquery and json?
    4. Create client functions such as commenting
    5. Add ability to upload attachments and photos to the client's feed
  8. Test and launch

Final questions

  1. Am I approaching this with too wide or narrow of a scope?
  2. Do you have any suggestions of how you would approach this project?
  3. Can you tell me based on the functions of this app, what skills/languages I need to learn as I go?
  4. Which parts of this project are worth reinventing the wheel vs. finding a plugin to integrate?
  5. Is it even possible to create a separate section of our website that is not using wordpress and it all be under the same domain? We are using Bluehost for hosting, just FYI

If you read this entire question and are still thinking about answering- wow. I need to buy you a beer. Thanks!