After reviewing hundreds of CVs I came to the conclusion that most CVs stink 💩 How to create an awesome CV? 🤩
👉 Keep it short
People don't like reading long documents. Most CVs are multi-page documents with too much information. Short and concise CVs leave a positive impression on the reader. Simple structure. Simple sentences. Fewer list items. No multi-level bulleted lists. One page maximum.
👉 Keep it relevant
Don't list all frameworks and libraries you've played with. Vue, Vuex, Vuex-Persist, Vue-Router, Vue-Resource, Vue-Draggable, Vue-Material could have been replaced by Vue. If someone will ask you about the whole list, you can have a nice conversation during the interview. Long lists are NOT impressive. They are annoying. Choose 5-10 technologies related to the role you applied and remove the rest.
👉 Keep it professional
If you worked as a bartender, it has nothing to do with software development. Leave it out. If your primary email is, don't tell anybody and create a professional email instead: If you don't have a good portrait, don't put a family picture or a selfie. Create a portrait. Your life motto, love for Britney Spears and truck driver license are not important, too.
👉 Keep it portable
Not everyone has Word, OpenOffice or iWork installed on their computer. If you want your CV to be viewable, create a nicely-looking PDF. If you are a web developer, you can go the extra mile and build an impressive CV using modern web technology. Still, remember to attach a PDF version.
Good CV examples can be looked up here.