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How to prepare for Front End Jobs 2019! My Collection of resources

Divyesh Parmar's photo
Divyesh Parmar
·Aug 9, 2019

So after giving almost half-a-century of interviews in past eleven months, I have made this stable list of resources to go through. Currently, I got fired so looking for a new opportunity.

To prepare for front end developer role you should prepare well on following topics :

  1. Core JS - OOPS, ES6, Polyfills, Event Loop, Closures, Scope, Execution Context^(always lovely content from him)
  2. CSS - Flexbox, CSS Grid
  3. React - Core React Internals (VDOM), Context API, Hooks, Redux, Redux Saga
  4. Any bundler e.g. Webpack
  5. Caching , HTTP2, Security in Web Apps
  6. Debounce, throttle, Promise, Async Await

I used to read most of the stuff from

Webpack docs are the best to start off with.

Webpack - Module bundler for Javascript Applications

I guess one should deep dive into webpack config. There are so many optimizations that one can do just by tweaking a bit. Vendor libs caching, code splitting are two such things.

A fun and important resource

Keep modularity in mind while developing

for javascript interview questions github page :

for react.js questions github page :

This is more comprehensive for Front-End Developer Interview Questions :

Just like quickies in real life this one is exciting :

While giving all these interviews one thing surpriced me is that when I was relaxed and chilled I was able to perform better with less doubt on myself.

Sometimes I just did more data structures and algorithm challanages or some Polyfill question from one day before the interview and if that stuff would make me confuse than during the interview I was lacking self-confidence while giving the answer. Even though I knew I have faced that asked question in some previous interview. So on a personal not always stay healthy, fresh, clear and light minded before you go for it.

Please do share any exciting more fun resources that helps one learn easily.

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