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Complex subjects in the university

Complex subjects in the university

Jameson Sylvester's photo
Jameson Sylvester
·Jan 5, 2018

A man gives himself an installation: this object is easy, but this one is complex. If you decide in advance that math is a boring and unnecessary object, then it will be so. But the same thing awaits you with English, history and philosophy, if you treat them in the same way. And then, during the session, there will definitely be problems with the delivery of unloved disciplines.

But if the correct installation is initially given, then the exam will not be a serious problem for you. Stop listening to other people who are panicking in your head.

At the same time, one of you already intends to disagree with the author of this article, saying that there are still subjects in universities that cause certain difficulties for many students.

Let's look at the statistics that usually tell the truth. Today you will get acquainted with the results of the research, which showed which subjects at the university are considered to be the most difficult to understand. Of course, it can not be said that the truth of last resort, however, there is a great deal of truth in this.

You can create your own list or add some items to an existing one. Some subjects are not that difficult, they are even unfamiliar to a larger number of readers. In general, read and enjoy that you do not yet have such items. And if you have already passed one of these disciplines, it would be interesting to know your opinion on this matter.

The most complex subjects (the list is compiled according to the results of a survey of students of various specialties):

1) Theoretical physics (for many even ordinary physics was a heavy subject, for example, in school).

2) Sopromat (for some, only the name of the subject is known, and what's the point - well, it's not so important).

3) Descriptive geometry (you should have the real talent to cope with this subject).

4) The highest (the word "supreme" speaks for itself).

5) The practice of writing and speaking.

This list is very conditional. There are many other disciplines, one name that horrifies most students.

But about higher mathematics I want to talk in more detail. The fact is that this subject is found not only in the way of techies, but also in the way of humanitarian workers.

If you have chosen a humanitarian future, the tower will only give you nerves for one semester. Although in fact, it's just intimidation. Believe me, algebra in 10-11 classes is much more complicated than the higher mathematics of the humanities. Everything is quite simple and understandable.

If your specialty is made economic deviation, you will have to be friends with the tower for about 2 years. Here you will meet with transport tasks, a unique simplex method, etc. Do not say that it was too easy, but do not expect much difficulty.

Well, if you have chosen a technical specialty, then prepare for battle. No one forced you to go to the technician. Although, if you admit honestly, there's nothing wrong with this, technical tasks are close to you, so the tower will be as simple as possible. Students of the 5-th cycle often say that they solve the problems of school years.

You see how quickly we assessed such a subject as higher mathematics. You see how simple it all is. You just have to start learning, working and quietly taking the session.