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Comments... Good? Bad? Ugly?

Comments... Good? Bad? Ugly?

Mario Giambanco's photo
Mario Giambanco
·Mar 27, 2016

Engadget Shutting down their new comments due to negative response.

This is not the first time this has happened, but it is IMO happening more often. The Verge did it a while back; Gizmodo did it a while back. Some, like daringfireball, don't even allow comments. While others like hacker news and hashnode appear to handle it just fine.

Why do people feel they can hide behind a handle / username and say whatever they like - even if it may be offensive or defamatory.

How do you fix comments so things like this don't need to happen? Do you implement moderators and have to approve every single comment? That could take a lot of effort and possibly cost money.

Do you try to create an engine and look for specific keywords and block them?

Does not having a comments system hurt returning visits?

Is it the context of the post as the article states? Simply mentioning Apple or Android starts a war.

Curious about people's opinions.