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Great Ihevueme's photo
Great Ihevueme
·Mar 19, 2020

My name is Great Ihevueme, a web developer, Graphic Designer and photographer. I started my journey into technology field on December 2018, before my 18th birthday, it was not as easy as I always imagined.

My Motivation From when I was a kid, I always believed that I am different, I am not an ordinary girl, well I was just a kid. Little did I know that my beliefs were actually not fools paradise neither did I know that it will surely manifest, Lol.

My Dream Career I have always wanted to be a Lawyer and I still want to be a Lawyer, just waiting for the right time to hit it hard (LOL) I was in the science class for one year during my Senior Secondary School, in the second year I remembered that I always wanted to be a lawyer, so I switched class, I joined the humanity Art class it was a bit fun though, with Government classes and all. I left high school, started preparing for college, along the line I became curious about how WEBSITES were created that was in 2016, I made alot of research but trust me I didn't get any fruitful result as they kept directing me to WordPress, well I had to start off with what I had, created few things with WordPress but trust me it was very boring. When I didn't get a good result, I gave up on my research (I REGRET DOING THAT)

My Encounter After 1 year and few months, I'm not sure but it's not more than two years for shizle. I met a guy Chinedu by name, I saw him writing bunch of texts that I didn't understand, here's a dialogue that transpired between!! GREAT: What are you doing? CHINEDU: Writing codes. GREAT: Codes? What is that? CHINEDU: For building websites, Mobile Apps (cuts him off) GREAT: Websites? CHINEDU: Yeah, but we are not going to talk about it. I felt real bad that he wasn't ready to share his ideas with me, I made a quick research on coding trust me I love what I found, then I became confused on how to start? Luckily that same month, I met a guy by name OLAWALE ARIYO, he is cute lol. Well, till date I'm still glad I met him. He is a software developer and he wasn't like Chinedu, WALE shared alot of things with me, I also realized that I don't need a degree in CS to be a web developer. After his counselling I made a research and I started off with, at aI learnt about Sololearn it was amazing.

My Journey into WEB DEVELOPMENT After I started off with Sololearn, there was the hard time for sure but I kept on pushing, I thank God I completed HTML course (it took 1month), then I started CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT (but I'll be dropping PHP to focus more on JAVASCRIPT) The most difficult moments were coding with phone it can be boring and annoying but I kept pushing anyhow anyhow, then I decided that I'll be needing a mentor, luckily I met a very young boy ABDULWAHAB ASHIMI he became my mentor (Online though). With his help I was able to level up a bit in learning he introduced me to and Brad Traversy Media@ YouTube, with these platforms I was able to develop my learning and my coding, always on my phone (at some point my parents do complain lol) it was a challenge coding with phone because I can't really flex around too much, it's was like a background that prepared me for the future. At some point I met cool young developers that also inspired my journey (PRECIOUS, YOUNG DEV, JACKSON, COLLINS, CHAMPION, VIC e.t.c Dem plenty) I had more mentors because the first official mentor said I needed more than one, so I got OLAWALE ARIYO to be my mentor (good news huh!!!) , Then OLUWASEUN AND UCHE inspiration and I appreciate them alot (Smiles)

TO BE continued..... The journey is getting interesting!!!🤩😍👩‍💻