Are there any MERN-Starter tutorials available?
Dear Community,
i am relatively unexperienced with the MERN Stack. I finished several MERN tutorials already though, so i should be able to recognize some things.
Now i am looking for a solution for an boilerplate template, to use it more regularly for Apps that i have in mind. I installed the MERN-Starter/MERN-CLI bc its widely recommended and described as "simple" and "easy" to understand. Unfortunately not for me, i struggle to recognize and understand the structur. The documentation on seems to be also designed for experienced users. I think the whole time,i missed a link to a better documentation or tutorial but i cant find any.
The best i found was but they only explain the first steps toroughly. So is there any video or tutorial that goes through it or explains how to build a custom App on top of the MERN-Starter? I know, there is a similiar question from Dec 3, but without an answer i can work with.
Thanks for your help and happy new year;.)