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A quick guide to CSS animation !!

A quick guide to CSS animation !!

for beginners 👶

Gambhir Sharma's photo
Gambhir Sharma
·Feb 11, 2022·

3 min read

What is CSS animations?

CSS Animation let HTML elements gently change from one set of style to another.

Here we use two things to use an animation i.e. the @keyframe rule and the animation properties.

What is the @keyframe rule?

The @keyframes rule lets us define, sets of styles that are generally transitioned to get an animation. You can see these sets of styles as frames, like in a frame by frame animation.

You can do it in two types by using:

  1. We can use from & to selector.

    @keyframe animation_name {
     background-color: black;
     backgroun-color: white;
  2. We can also use percentage selector.

    @keyframe animation_name {
     background-color: black;
     backgroun-color: white;

What is animation property?

The animation property lets us use the previously defined @keyframe rule as a frame by frame animation.

Animation Properties can be divided into 6 properties

  1. animation-name
  2. animation-duration
  3. animation-timing-function
  4. animation-delay
  5. animation-iteration-count
  6. animation-direction

1 . animation-name

The animation-name takes the name of the previously defined @keyframe rule as its value.

An element to be animated in @keyframe is called by its animation-name.

 animation: animation_name;  

2. animation-duration

The animation-duration property defines how long will it take for now interaction of the animation to be complete. It takes time as value, so we usually use ms or s units.

  animation: animation_name 2s; /* or 2000ms */

3. animation-timing-function

The animation-timing function specifies the speed curve of the animation. It can have any one of the following values.

  • ease: Animation starts slow, then becomes fast and ends slowly. Default Value
  • linear: Animation has the same speed from start to end.
  • ease-in: Animation starts slowly and gently speed increases until the end.
  • ease-out: Animation starts quickly and ends slowly.
  • ease-in-out: Animation starts slowly and gently speeds up and then slows down towards the end.
  • cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n): We can define our own animation time using it. The n values should be in the range of 0-1.
   animation: animation_name 2s ease;

4. animation-delay

The animation-delay specified a delay after which that animation will start.

  animation: animation_name 2s linear 1s;  /* 1s is the delay time*/

5. animation-iteration-count

The animation-iteration-count specifies how many times an animation will run. we can use number values i.e 1, 2,3 etc or infinite.

  animation: animation_name 2s linear 1s infinite;  

/* This animation will run for an infinite number of times*/

6. animation-direction

The animation-direction specifies how the animation should be played i.e forward, backward or in alternate cycles. Here are it's the different values being used.

  • normal: Animation is played forward. Default value
  • reverse: Animation is played backwards.
  • alternate: Animation is played forwards first and then backwards.
  • alternate-reverse: Animation is played backwards first and then forwards.
  animation: animation_name 2s linear 1s infinite normal;  

🙏Thank You to be till the last of the article.

I Hope, you learn a lot of things and are ready to make awesome animation.😉 In this article, I have noted down all the basic concepts you required to start Animation in CSS.

But, it is just the beginning so keep hustling🏃‍♀️ and learn new values & properties. Keep experimenting!! 🧪 new things and expand your knowledge.⚡

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