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A Fast-Paced Race to Frontend Mastery

A Fast-Paced Race to Frontend Mastery

The Zuri HNG zoom sojourn...

Yibaebi Elliot's photo
Yibaebi Elliot
·Aug 17, 2021·

3 min read

A not so chilling background

Life is but a journey of journies. Along the way of life, we encounter different opportunities which ultimately shape our journey outcomes. Some positively, others negatively. Well, to simply put, I have chosen tech as my journey and I have met a couple of great opportunities that have shaped my journey up until now, the latest being the Zuri HNG Internship.

Structured to emancipate the toughest skin of any individual while ensuring intellectual growth, the Zuri HNG internship is a 10-stage multifaceted empowerment program slated to last between 2-3 months. With 11,000+ applicants this year, the ultimate goal of a candidate is to make it to the final stage of the program (stage 10) in either one or more of a couple of tracks some of which include: frontend web development, backend web development, UI/UX design, entrepreneurship, etc.

Have you ever been to a park with so many fun outlets and activities to choose from? Well, this may seem somewhat overstated but this is what the program is all about. On getting in, you'd meet a whole bunch of like-minded individuals moving in the same direction even though you all have different weights of knowledge and experiences. Just as we all leave a park at different times and for different reasons, interns would be seeded along each stage until the final stage. But all this fuss is for a reason. In the end, it is to ensure that only candidates with the most impressive performance from each track receive the legendary HNG T-shirt with enough knowledge to obtain tech jobs anywhere in the world.

Stingy interests along the Zuri HNG path.

Goals precede most adventures we take on. My HNG adventure would be no different. Neglecting the promised drama that may come with the would-be experience, my goals are aligned towards the mastery of my proposed track while making meaningful connections.

I am no beginner to my proposed track, however, in a fast-paced technological world, one needs to consistently learn, unlearn, and grow. Do you know that old music piece that you can never get tired of? That is the relationship you need to create with learning and development. Even though the conditions are quite different, this is what the program promises, to the least of my knowledge and observations anyway.

The power of networking cannot be overemphasized. It can elevate one As a big fan of networking, I do not wish to let this opportunity slide without getting to know a couple of persons. I am well aware of the collaborative nature of the program and this is the window I need.

My tools for the journey

Web technologies are usually centred around HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

As a frontend developer one needs to know a lot more than these technologies. Two of such tools are Figma and Git. While the former is used for designing web interfaces and a lot more, git is the world's most popular collaborative tool for developers.

Certainly not all I would be needing and utilizing for the internship but it's a good place to start. I also anticipate that I would get to learn a lot more than I already know about the tools I currently use and those that I do not even know about.

In the end...

Three months from now, I would look back at this moment and tell myself what a journey this was. The road is quite uncertain, knowing fully well that one can never determine the twists and turns the program offers. But that's the fun of it all. If my life was a park and the HNG Internship, an outlet in it, I hope to have as much fun as possible before taking a bow.

In the end, what matters is that I am happy to have been a part of the experience. For life is all about experiences.

See you soon ✌😊.