Smruti Ranjan NayakforSmruti Ranjan·Nov 6, 2022Introduction to WEB and HTMLWhat is a Web Server? Web servers are an important part of a website and it is important to understand how a web server works on the internet or the World wide web. A website doesn't just depend on the coding or content part it depends on how the web...Discuss·12 likes·102 readssm8uti
Rishabh LakhotiaforRishabh's·Jul 23, 2019Setting up NGINX WebserverNGINX is a popular open-source light-weight webserver, which is now extensively used for reverse proxy and load balancing. Because of it light weight and easily configurable options, its use has been increased over the years. In this tutorial, I will...Discuss·1 like·32 readswebserver
Kushal DasforKushal·Nov 28, 2022Introduction to web and live server.Introduction to Web 📝 The Web is the common name for the World Wide Web, a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web browser. It is a hypertext-based global information system that was originally developed at the E...Discuss·1 like·110 readsWeb-deviwritecode
Kay CeeforKay·Apr 15, 2023What happens when I type in my browser and press Enter?When I enter in my browser, a series of complex procedures are automatically enacted, ending with the browser's display of Google's homepage with the iconic dynamic search box. In this blog, I'll try to breakdown those complex ...Discuss·1 likeGoogle
Shobayo SamuelforCode·Apr 15, 2023From Your Fingertips to Your Screen: The Fascinating Process of Browsing the Web.Have you ever stopped to think about what happens behind the scenes when you type a URL into your browser and press enter? It may seem like a simple process, but a lot is going on under the hood. From DNS requests to load balancers and application se...Discusswebserver
Shiva AbhishekforShiva·Apr 14, 2023Hosting a Website using NGINXIn this blog, we will deploy/host the Todo application on an AWS EC2 instance using the NGINX webserver. What are Web servers and NGINX? What are Web servers? Web servers are the servers that serve the web files, which means as we write our applicati...DiscussWeMakeDevs
HanforEunhan's·Mar 30, 2023Understanding the Role and Interaction of APM: Apache, PHP, MySQLARM (Apache, PHP, MySQL) Definition To implement a web service, a web server, WAS, and a database are required, and a term used to refer to the combination of Apache, PHP, and MySQL, which were mainly used, is ARM (Apache, PHP, MySQL). As of 2023, we...DiscussProgrammingWeb Development
MudasirforMudasir's·Mar 27, 2023Building an Apache Web Server through a Dockerfile and uploading it to Docker HubWhat is Apache Server? The Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of th...DiscussDockerfile
Bhavika·Mar 19, 2023Understanding the Fundamentals of Web Servers: A Beginner's GuideWeb servers are the backbone of the internet, serving as a platform for delivering web pages and other digital content to users around the world. Understanding the fundamentals of web servers is essential for anyone looking to create a website, manag...Discuss·32 readswebserver
Christian·Mar 10, 2023From Scratch: TCP Web-Server in CGoal For this article, I want to implement a TCP protocol web server in C. Note that I'm no expert, and I'm learning while writing! Network layers It is not the purpose of this article to explain networking, but a brief understanding is quite helpful...DiscussC
Nishu SainiforNishu Saini's·Feb 16, 2023Article about web serversWeb Servers: A web server is a software that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from clients, such as web browsers, and returning the appropriate response. This could be done in the form of an HTML page, an image, or a file download, among ot...Discusswebserver·Jan 31, 2023Learning tiny HTTP server NanoHTTPDNanoHTTPD is a light-weight HTTP server designed for embedding in other applications, released under a Modified BSD license. The latest release version is "nanohttpd-2.3.1", seems this version has a tiny bug: after an update from version 2.1.1 to the...Discusswebserver
Vishal GuptaforVG·Jan 23, 2023Web ServerA web server is a software and hardware that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and other protocols to respond to client requests made over the World Wide Web. The main job of a web server is to display website content through storing, processin...Discusswebserver