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Alexander González Fertel
Hieu Do
Juan F Gonzalez
Eleftheria Batsou
Hieu Do and 12 others are discussing this13 people are discussing this
Juan F Gonzalez
What a great, detailed, and thorough post here. I agree 100% with the title. Big props Alexander González Fertel I've used Vim a couple of times before but last month I decided to pick it back up and start using less and less VSCode long with it. PS: You can have those 2 features that you mention from VSCode with some configs in your .vimrc file. Although file manipulation in netrw is even better with tpope plugin 'vim-vinegar' And for multicursors, this is what I use... nnoremap <silent> s* :let @/='\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>'<CR>cgn xnoremap <silent> s* "sy:let @/=@s<CR>cgn




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Collins Ruto This article interests me as I too use VSCode but some colleagues use VIM. I have a basic familiarity with VIM like you did but haven't turned it into a full IDE yet. However, I can't help but ask, why didn't you just use VSCode's built-in terminal by pressing Ctrl+`? You can run tests, builds, and apps in there or do whatever else you want in the shell. Would you care to explain other benefits of Vim over VSCode? Thanks.