Ben·Apr 13, 2021Reverse() a Stack with Python.Having created a stack using a linked list in Python (more details in my previous blog post ), I was excited to expand on the functionality and add a reverse() method to this data structure class. Again, as with many of these basic computer science ...40 likes·381 readsLearning Computer Science by CodingPython
Okosun·Jan 26, 2022Primitive Values And Reference Values As Regards Memory AllocationAll programming languages have their in-built data structures, however, they differ from each other. In this article, we would understand the types in JavaScript and learn the different types with references to their use cases and memory allocation....35 likes·477 readsJavaScript
Yann·Oct 7, 2020Choosing the perfect NoSQL database (part 2)This article is the second part of the series Creating the modern developer stack template. I definitely recommend reading the first one before this to get more context. Introduction Hello folks, Let's start with the piece of the stack that is sittin...34 likes·295 readsstack
Falade·Apr 14, 2023Starting A Career In TechThis article is for the individual who wants to begin a tech career. A large number of people want to shift into the tech ecosystem but are overwhelmed with many careers, and what programming language they should learn. This leaves them confused, the...53 readscoding
Medet·Apr 14, 2023Implement Stack in KotlinFirst of all, what's Stack? Stack is as the name suggests a way of storing data where data that came in last goes out first (LAST IN FIRST OUT). In other words, a stack data structure is like a pile of books where the first book you can take is the o...stack
Jayesh·Apr 3, 2023Program to insert an element at the Bottom of a StackSo hey, in this article we are going to learn to insert an element at the Bottom of a Stack Question Link: Question Explanation Inserting an element at the botto...insertion·Apr 2, 2023Stack Data Structure in JavaA stack is a data structure that follows the principle of last-in, first-out (LIFO). This means that the element that is added last to the stack is the first one to be removed. A stack can be implemented using an array or a linked list in Java. In th...DSA
Venketesh·Mar 30, 2023DSA: Stack Data StructureWhat is a Stack? Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out(LIFO) principle which means the element which is pushed last will be taken out first. A real-world example of the stack is piles of plates(We place them one over t...28 readsDSA
Aviral·Mar 17, 2023Stack Data Structure in C++ Complete Guide (2023)Stack in an important Data Structure. It is part of problems in Technical Interviews and useful in Functional Programming and Development. This Blog will introduce you to Stack and provide its implementation in C++ and basic operations you can perfor...1 like·28 readsWeMakeDevs
Eyuel Dan⭐⭐⭐·Mar 16, 2023Min Stack - LeetCode ProblemProblem Description Welcome to another fun coding challenge! Today, we'll be tackling the Min Stack problem. Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time. push(x) -- Push element x onto stack. pop...26 readsstack
Eyuel Dan⭐⭐⭐·Mar 16, 2023Valid Parentheses - LeetCode ProblemProblem Description Welcome to another fun coding challenge! Today, we'll be tackling the Valid Parentheses problem. Given a string containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid. An input strin...stack
Shivam·Mar 5, 2023The Secret Weapon of Data Structures: Stacks UncoveredHave you ever played with a stack of pancakes? Yes, pancakes! Consider a stack of fluffy pancakes. Each with a unique topping: maple syrup, butter, blueberries, or chocolate chips. How would you eat them? Would you start from the top, the bottom, or ...3 likesWeMakeDevs
Murali Krishna·Feb 6, 2023Stack using ArrayIn C, the Stack data structure is an ordered, linear sequence of items. It is a LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure, meaning we can only insert or remove an item at the top of the stack. In array implementation, the stack is formed by using the a...array