Tarantooltarantool.hashnode.net·Oct 21, 2021Managing a Tarantool cluster via a command-line interfaceAuthor: Alexey Romanov Two years ago, we already discussed how to develop distributed applications with Tarantool Cartridge. This comprehensive framework includes a CLI tool to simplify the development and usage of Tarantool Cartridge applications. I...60 likes·1.0K readsTutorial
Arunanshu Biswasarunanshub.hashnode.net·Jan 27, 2022Making a proper init.lua (For real this time!)TL;DR Just the config? Click here. Aim Our aim is to create a single file configuration for Neovim. There are too many tutorials on nEsTeD cOnFiGs. Real men use a single file to configure an entire editor 😤. Flat is better than nested. ― The Zen o...10 likes·3.1K readsProgramming Blogs
Munif Tanjimmuniftanjim.hashnode.net·Sep 7, 2021Neovim - Build UI using nui.nvimI've been using Neovim almost everyday, for years now. I play around with my config files often and recently been trying out the built-in LSP features that come with Neovim 0.5+. For my work stuffs I still use coc.nvim and I'm quite used to the nice ...7 likes·219 readsUI
Damien Jacobsonmorbidlyocheese.hashnode.net·Apr 18, 2023v0.0.1 | hello worldI will be formatting the devlog titles like-so: v0.0.0 | title. The first half will describe the game's current version/state with the second half being the title of the post. Welcome to the first entry of my devlog for Mighty Vertical. I'm basicall...Mighty Vertical | Love2D GamedevGameDev
Gökay BÜRÜÇmidnightdeveloper.hashnode.net·Apr 12, 2023Step-By-Step Configuration Of NEOVIM Using LuaThe Lua programming language is a language used in Neovim as an alternative to the classic VIM Script language. The purpose of using Lua language is different from classical VIM Script, it is preferred for the following reasons. More precise editor ...28 readsneovim
Pulkit Gangwarpulkit.hashnode.net·Jan 20, 2023Neovim configuration from scratch to LSPI have been using vim motions with vscode for about a year now. Recently I switched to Neovim for my editor. This is my configuration for Neovim. I also use Tmux with Neovim but I will cover it in another blog. This is what Neovim looks like without ...248 readsneovim
Nyah Jacksonluaschool.hashnode.net·Jan 16, 2023Learn to code with NyahIn a future cyberpunk world, a young hacker named Nyah was always on the lookout for new ways to express her creativity and push the boundaries of technology. She was always on the lookout for new tools and technologies to help her achieve her goals....Lua
Krzysztof Kałamarskikkalamarski.hashnode.net·Dec 27, 2022How to start using Neovim in 2023Neovim is a powerful and highly customizable text editor that is well-suited for a wide range of programming and text editing tasks. If you are looking for a fast and reliable text editor, Neovim is definitely worth considering. However, using it may...6 likes·1.5K readsNeovimvim
Giuseppe Gadolagiusgad.hashnode.net·Dec 26, 2022Vimscript to lua: everything you need to knowHave you been wanting to write your own neovim configuration in Lua, or translate your old vimrc? If the answer is yes, you're in the right place. In this article, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know to accomplish this goal. Introductio...219 readsneovim
Amir Eldoramireldor.hashnode.net·Dec 1, 2022A POC for a Go game server hosting long-running Lua gamesHello. I've decided to try something for the game I'm developing. The game is a long-running online solo/coop space strategy game with resource balancing and 4x elements, but that's not the subject of this post. I decided to separate game logic code ...2 likes·95 readsMy Single Player/co-op Online Persistent Universe 4X Space GameGo Language
Sonny Alves Diassonny-ad.hashnode.net·Sep 12, 2022Beathoven DevBlog 1Last week at the end of that article I mentioned that I was working on a game in order to explore LÖVE. That game is called Beathoven. It is a rhythm game based on the remix sound of the 5th symphony of Beethoven made Lionel Yu and Nicolas Chazarre. ...42 reads#4weeks4articles
Vinayak Sharmaitsvinayak.hashnode.net·Aug 30, 2022Lua Programming LanguageIntroduction to Lua programming language Lua programming language is written in C and started as a project in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes. it is a robust, fast, lightweight, and embeddable scriptin...1 like·101 readsLua
Munif Tanjimmuniftanjim.hashnode.net·Aug 11, 2022Neovim - Project Local Config with exrc.nvimNeovim is awesome and I love it! Why? You might ask. The answer is rather simple. It's awesome because I love it. Now that we agree on that, let's focus on the topic... Project Local Config. Why is Project Local Config? Usually your Neovim configurat...90 readsneovim