Tanvi Priyadarshinitanvipriyadarshini.hashnode.net·Aug 3, 2020Understanding 'prototypes' and 'class'.To most early stage developers, especially the ones who come from a more strongly-typed background in coding, some foundational JS concepts can seem confusing at times, especially the more traditionally borrowed ones like this, class, Prototypes etc....46 likes·2.0K readsUnderstanding Basic JS ConceptsJavaScript
Yousaf Khanyousaf.hashnode.net·Feb 24, 2021"super" in Javascript: An In-Depth GuideIntroduction With the introduction of ES2015, Javascript introduced the class syntax that uses traditional prototypal inheritance under the hood but provides a more robust and declarative way of writing object-oriented code. When working with inheri...37 likes·722 readsJavaScript
Mouad Oumousmouadoumous.hashnode.net·Jun 21, 2021System.err in Java | Mouad OumousUnix and C programmers are familiar with stderr, which is commonly used for error messages. stderr is a separate file pointer from stdout, but often means the same thing. Generally, stderr and stdout both send data to the console, whatever that is....7 likes·69 readsJava
Shivam Maggushivammaggu.hashnode.net·Feb 26, 2023Understanding SwiftUI - Why are Views in SwiftUI Struct and not Class?Why SwiftUI prefers Struct over Class? SwiftUI Views are structs instead of classes. This avoids having multiple inherited properties, keeps them lightweight and improves performance. SwiftUI Views are passed by value. This avoids retain cycles and...60 readsUnderstanding SwiftUISwift
Ajay Kumarajay020.hashnode.net·Jan 27, 2023How to use Generic Class in TypeScript?TypeScript supports generic classes and functions just like other programming languages Java and c#. We use generics for writing reusable and flexible code. Generic classes allow us to create classes that can work with any type of data, and that make...TypeScript
Bojan Jageticbasskibo.hashnode.net·Nov 8, 2022Javascript Class fundamentalsIntroduction Classes are template used for creating objects, encapsulating data with code to work on that data. Class in Javascript is built on prototype but also it has some syntax that are not shared with ES5 class-like semantic. In the modern Java...5 likes·58 readsJavaScript
Md.Al-Amin Sahedsahedthought.hashnode.net·Oct 2, 2022Prototype and how Class works in JavascriptI am not going to tell you what is the prototype in javascript. Let's explore it. Just create an html and js file. Add the js file to html file and run it in the web browser. function ab() { } console.dir(ab); Now check the console of your browser...1 like·120 readsJavaScript prototype
Manjit Baishyamy-coding-roadmap.hashnode.net·Sep 12, 2022Day 20: CLASS statement in PHPThere are a limited number of data types present in PHP, such as string, integer, float and so much more. Now, a situation may arise that we will be in need of another data type. Now, this is a situation where we require a special PHP element called ...PHPclass
Mihir Bagchibagchimb.hashnode.net·Sep 5, 2022Constructor Functions and the new KeywordHi 👋 , I hope all of you are doing good, so Constructor Functions, basically those are just functions with some extra layers added to them which helps in Inheritance which in turn has a lot of benefits. Sounds intimidating? I will make it easy for y...71 readsJavaScript
Haneunhanlee.hashnode.net·Jun 23, 2022How to use ENUM class in JavaDefinition enum class is for define constant. It will contain the value that will not change during the program is working Reason for using the enum class debugging easily. History C: preprocessor : certain number Java: static final String MALE: cer...1 like·33 readsJava
Anand Betanabhotlanantech.hashnode.net·Jun 12, 2022Get Quizzical in PythonIn this post we will build a simple quiz app that you can run on the console or on your phone or tablet (I tested it with Pydroid 3 app). The questions come from files and so you can create your own question bank. We will of course randomize the que...84 readsPython
Educative.ioeducativeio.hashnode.net·Jun 8, 2022React component guide: Class vs functionalIf you've been coding in JavaScript for a while, you're likely familiar with React (or ReactJS), the front-end library for building user interfaces. You probably know that it's the most popular front-end framework in the tech world by usage[1] thanks...90 readsReact
Anahianahicodes.hashnode.net·May 11, 2022Feliz Dia de las MadresToday I celebrated Mother's day again! In Mexico we celebrate it on May 10th. I get two special days because being a mom is no joke! My sister brought me flowers to work and I had cake waiting for me at home. I had some time during work to do a codew...code