Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jun 19, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 3: Rotating Navigation MenuThis project from the Udemy 50 Projects in 50 Days course was really a lot of fun. The user is presented with a page containing an article and image, with a semicircle in the upper left with a menu icon. When the menu icon is clicked, the entire arti...Discuss·74 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jun 22, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 5: Blurry Loading PageI have to be honest, this 50 Projects in 50 Days project took me a minute or two to figure out how it worked under the hood. No fault to the instructor - the course is very clear that it's a project-building exercise, and not a totally beginner-frien...Discuss·98 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jun 17, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 2: Progress StepsContinuing on with the 50 in 50 Udemy course, the second project on the schedule is a set of four progress indicators with a 'Next' and 'Prev' button. It's the sort of indicator you would see on a multi-step form or that type of thing, and uses some ...Discuss·40 readsHTML5
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Aug 11, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 15: CountersI've been on a bit of a break from the 50 Projects in 50 Days course while I've been making my way through the official pre-work for my upcoming coding bootcamp. However I decided to jump back in this evening, and day 15 provided a quick re-entry. Th...Discuss·117 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 29, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 14: Animated NavigationThis quick little project from 50 Projects in 50 Days leans heavily on CSS transformations and transitions to achieve a neat expanding/contracting effect along with a fun animation on the 'X' used to contract the menu. It's also the first of the proj...Discuss·34 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 28, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 13: Random Choice PickerI've been working my way through this 50 Projects in 50 Days Udemy course as a way to keep my HTML/CSS/JS skills fresh as I get ready to start a coding boot camp this fall, and also with the hopes of learning new concepts along the way. And that has ...Discuss·90 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 25, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 12: Collapsing FAQsThis was another fairly short project from the 50 Projects in 50 Days course that achieves a cool effect mainly through just CSS. The general idea here is to have the questions display all the time, and to have the answer as a separate body of text t...Discuss·96 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 20, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 11: KeyCodesSee Update at End of Article This was a fun one-off project from 50 Projects in 50 Days and provides a useful little utility, too. There's not a lot going on under the hood here but there was a new (to me) concept and a neat toolbox-style trick I tho...Discuss·99 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 20, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 10: Dad JokesThis is the first project of the 50 Projects in 50 Days set to use an external data source. It sends a query to an open API of dad jokes, then displays the result. An API (application programming interface) is, at the risk of oversimplifying, a way o...Discuss·76 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 16, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 9: Sound Board (Pet Sounds!)The ninth installment of 50 Projects in 50 Days is simple but fun. It makes use of the HTML audio tag, but using JS methods to control playback. I've had some experience using the audio tag in other projects, but I always did so using the HTML-based ...Discuss·89 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jul 9, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 8: Wavy Form AnimationToday's installment of 50 Projects in 50 Days takes a simple two-field sign-in form and animates the labels when the user clicks on them. I haven't mentioned a lot of personal history yet on this blog, but suffice it to say for now that I'm just a ta...Discuss·77 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jun 22, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 5: Blurry Loading PageI have to be honest, this 50 Projects in 50 Days project took me a minute or two to figure out how it worked under the hood. No fault to the instructor - the course is very clear that it's a project-building exercise, and not a totally beginner-frien...Discuss·98 reads50ProjectsIn50Days
Roger MullinsforCoding in·Jun 19, 202250 Projects in 50 Days, Day 4: Expanding Search BarToday's project was a short one. The user begins with a search icon, and when it is clicked the search bar expands out. The most interesting thing to me about this project was that I recall creating a similar effect a few years ago using jquery, but ...Discuss·79 reads50ProjectsIn50Days