Antonio Cañada·May 30, 2021API calls from ExcelNobody can deny that Microsoft Excel is still a powerful tool even if you know Python, SQL, Javascript… It provides a super-friendly interface, has many functionalities and is a very popular software. On the other hand, being able to make API calls a...245 readsexcel
Abhishek·Jun 30, 2022How to create Macros in Excel without ScriptingIf you are someone who often spend time cleaning and processing raw and dirty data in spreadsheets you know how repetitive some tasks can be like filtering the data, sorting it, trimming unwanted spaces or writing same function several time. I mean y...65 readsexcel·Nov 18, 2019How to R/W .ini in VBACode Option Explicit Public Declare Function WriteString& Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal AN$, ByVal KN$, ByVal iVal$, ByVal fPath$) Public Declare Function GetString& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal A...Tips & ToolsVBA
Eamonn·Dec 20, 2022How to Calculate Percentage Differences Between Two Numbers in Excel - Cell Percentage Change TutorialOriginally published for freeCodeCamp Spreadsheets are powerful and awesome. 💪 In this tutorial I will show you four ways to find the percentage difference between two numbers in Excel. I'll also show you how to use custom functions in Google Sheet...57 readsexcel
Abhishek·Jun 30, 2022How to create Macros in Excel without ScriptingIf you are someone who often spend time cleaning and processing raw and dirty data in spreadsheets you know how repetitive some tasks can be like filtering the data, sorting it, trimming unwanted spaces or writing same function several time. I mean y...65 readsexcel
Anderson·Jul 3, 2021VBA e Macros com Excel no macOSSim! eu uso o Microsoft Excel no MacOS Na minha humilde opinião o Microsoft Excel é um dos softwares mais foda que conheço. E penso assim porque já vi tanta coisa bacana, como também muita coisa bizarra, sendo feita utilizando o corpo de uma planilha...500 readsmacOS
Antonio Cañada·May 30, 2021API calls from ExcelNobody can deny that Microsoft Excel is still a powerful tool even if you know Python, SQL, Javascript… It provides a super-friendly interface, has many functionalities and is a very popular software. On the other hand, being able to make API calls a...245 readsexcel·Nov 18, 2019How to R/W .ini in VBACode Option Explicit Public Declare Function WriteString& Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal AN$, ByVal KN$, ByVal iVal$, ByVal fPath$) Public Declare Function GetString& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal A...Tips & ToolsVBA