Rita Zannuafricanpearl.hashnode.net·Feb 9, 2021Featured3 Types of Accounts in Linux/UnixIntroduction Hi there, I am just getting started with Linux, within a few days I have tried using Ubuntu (Debian family) and CentOS (Red hat family) distros. I call it testing the waters :) and I am pleased to announce to you that this is my first ar...99 likes·847 readsLinux
Akshay Raichurakshayraichur.hashnode.net·Feb 16, 2021A brief note on how malloc() works in Cmalloc() is a C Standard Library function that is defined in stdlib.h header file. The name malloc stands for Memory Allocation. Definition : malloc() is a function that is used to dynamically allocate a block of memory with the specified size at ru...98 likes·1.2K readsC
Aso Amarachishula88.hashnode.net·Feb 13, 2021What It Means To Give Admin Privileges To Users Using Groups on Linux/Debian/UbuntuIf you’re new to learning Linux and its administration chances are you have already come across the idea of Admin Privileges and Managing It Amongst Users. There is also another chance that you are yet to satisfactorily understand these concepts that...23 likes·162 readsunix
Arnav Singharnavdevops.hashnode.net·Apr 13, 2023Basic Linux commandsCOMMANDDESCRIPTIONWHY THE NAME? manShow help (the manual)manualwhichFind out where a command iswhich location?--helpFind help on any commandhelp!Ctrl+CStop the current programlogoutExit the current login shellpasswdChange your passwordpasswords...27 readsLinux
Ashutosh Sahuashutoshsahu07.hashnode.net·Apr 12, 2023Syntax of Conditional Statements in Shell Scripting with examples.In shell scripting, conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on whether a particular condition is true or false. The syntax for conditional statements in shell scripting depends on the type of conditional statement being use...shell script
Ashutosh Sahuashutoshsahu07.hashnode.net·Apr 10, 2023Operators in Shell Scripting:Commonly used arithmetic operators in shell scripting: +: Addition operator. -: Subtraction operator. *: Multiplication operator. /: Division operator. %: Modulo operator (remainder of division). **: Exponentiation operator. +=: Addition assig...1 likeLinux
Satish Sutarsatishsutar-cloud-and-devops.hashnode.net·Apr 7, 2023Linux Virtualization: How to Set Up Virtual Machines on LinuxVirtualization is a technology that enables the creation of virtual versions of physical hardware or software, such as operating systems, storage devices, and network resources. In Linux, virtualization can be achieved through several technologies, i...Linux DiariesLinux
Nafs Ahmadnafs.hashnode.net·Apr 6, 2023Basic Shell CommandsA shell is a program that accepts what a user types (commands) on the command line interface(CLI) and translates those commands into actions to be performed by the operating system. The shell act as an interpreter that takes human-readable commands ...Linux
Satish Sutarsatishsutar-cloud-and-devops.hashnode.net·Mar 31, 2023Linux Security: Best Practices for Securing Your SystemLinux is an open-source operating system that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its robustness, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. However, the security of any operating system is crucial, and Linux is no exception. In this article...5 likesLinux DiariesLinux
Satish Sutarsatishsutar-cloud-and-devops.hashnode.net·Mar 31, 2023Linux File System: Understanding the Hierarchy and StructureLinux is an open-source operating system that has gained immense popularity among computer enthusiasts, programmers, and professionals due to its flexibility, security, and performance. One of the key features that make Linux stand out is its file sy...7 likesLinux DiariesLinux
SASWATAsaswata23.hashnode.net·Mar 22, 2023Day 4 - #90Days of DevOps challenge Basic Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps EngineersTable of Contains What is Kernel What is Shell What is Linux Shell Scripting? Tasks What is Shell Scripting for DevOps What is #!/bin/bash? can we write #!/bin/sh as well? A Shell Script which prints I will complete #90DaysOofDevOps challenge A Shell...73 readsDevops
Gaurav Mazumdergauravmazumder.hashnode.net·Mar 20, 2023Shell ScriptingDay 4 of #90DaysOfDevOps with the #TrainWithShubham Community. The challenge is for the DevOps Community to get stronger in #DevOps. It is a great initiative by Shubham Londhe. Documenting my learning and also sharing it with the community is helping...2 likesshell script
Aprigio Simoesaprigiosimoes.hashnode.net·Mar 18, 2023Processos de Boot no UNIX e LinuxFala pessoal tudo bom? Tem tempo que eu não escrevo nada, não é verdade? Então deixa eu me apresentar novamente como se fosse a primeira vez...Eu sou o Aprigio Simões e durante anos, basicamente entre 1998 a 2016 eu tive um blog hospedado em aprigios...70 readsLinux