Okosun Maryokosunmary.hashnode.net·Jan 13, 2023Understanding Relationships in TypeORMWhat is TypeORM? Understanding how relationships work in database management is an important concept for a software engineer to understand. We will learn what typeORM is, how relationships work in typeORM, and the importance of relationships in datab...13 likes·98 readsDatabases
Christian Balolachrisbalola.hashnode.net·Jul 18, 2022Building a secure and quality NodeJS REST API with NestJSBesides being secure, a quality API must be: well structured, maintainable, performant, documented, and scalable. Although many resources talk about the above, it’s hard to find them well aligned together so the developer who’s learning can see a cle...3 likes·675 readsAPI DevelopmentNode.js
Durgadas Kamathdurgadas.hashnode.net·Dec 31, 2022Creating and Using Custom Repositories in NestJS with TypeORM 0.3NestJS with TypORM NestJS is a popular framework for building scalable and efficient server-side applications using Node.js. It provides a modular structure for organizing your code and makes it easy to use various libraries and frameworks, such as T...179 readsnestjs
Gayan Hewahewadotme.hashnode.net·Mar 27, 2023Single Table Inheritance with TypeORM and PostgreSQLIntroduction Single Table Inheritance is a design pattern that allows you to represent a hierarchy of objects using a single database table. Each subclass in the hierarchy is represented as a row in the table, with a type field that identifies the cl...typeorm
Utkarsh Shuklautkarshshukla.hashnode.net·Mar 11, 2023Get Customised Columns using TypeOrm QuerySometimes while making our models (table) we declare some columns which are only to be used for tracking the entry and updation of the data like the created_at and updated_at columns. We often declare its select type as false because we don't need it...34 readsTypeScript
Sathya Vajhalasathyavajhala.hashnode.net·Mar 6, 2023TypeORM - MigrationsTypeORM is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for TypeScript and JavaScript, which allows developers to manage and interact with relational databases using object-oriented programming concepts. TypeORM provides an easy-to-use API for develo...typeorm
Andrianarisoa DanielforDevist Team Blogdevist.hashnode.net·Mar 5, 2023How to seed a database with TypeORM and Faker in 2023So, I was playing around with TypeORM and at some point, I needed to populate my database with some data to be able to test some features as they could be in real-world situations. Thankfully, we got our back covered thanks to the open-source communi...98 readstypeorm
Željko Ševićzsevic.hashnode.net·Feb 22, 2023Testing custom repositories (NestJS/TypeORM)Custom repositories extend the base repository class and enrich it with several additional methods. This post covers unit and integration testing. // user.repository.ts @Injectable() export class UserRepository extends Repository<UserEntity> { cons...34 readsnestjs
Etiene Jamestechiegist.hashnode.net·Feb 8, 2023Insight into some TypeORM FeaturesIn continuation of our previous topic on "Introduction to TypeORM and its Features", you can read about it here. We will be having an insight into some of those features mentioned. Just as a reminder of what TypeORM is, we defined it to be an open-so...2Articles1Week
Željko Ševićzsevic.hashnode.net·Feb 6, 2023TypeORM with NestJSThis post covers TypeORM examples with the NestJS framework, from setting up the connection with the Postgres database to working with transactions. The following snippets can be adjusted and reused with other frameworks like Express. The same applie...typeorm
Okosun Maryokosunmary.hashnode.net·Jan 13, 2023Understanding Relationships in TypeORMWhat is TypeORM? Understanding how relationships work in database management is an important concept for a software engineer to understand. We will learn what typeORM is, how relationships work in typeORM, and the importance of relationships in datab...13 likes·98 readsDatabases
Durgadas Kamathdurgadas.hashnode.net·Dec 31, 2022Creating and Using Custom Repositories in NestJS with TypeORM 0.3NestJS with TypORM NestJS is a popular framework for building scalable and efficient server-side applications using Node.js. It provides a modular structure for organizing your code and makes it easy to use various libraries and frameworks, such as T...179 readsnestjs
Renaissance Innovation Labsrilabs.hashnode.net·Nov 23, 2022Setting up TypeORM with Javascript and ExpressHi there, in this article I'll be showing you how to spin up a simple boilerplate using Javascript, Express, and TypeORM. This article assumes that you already know Javascript and have Postgresql installed on your PC. Before jumping into the code, l...85 readstypeorm