David Herbertdaveyhert.hashnode.net·Jan 13, 2023My Year in Review: 2 Years in Tech - A Never-Ending Roller Coaster Ride.Honestly, I've always admired those who are able to put out their Year in Review at the end of each year. Writing one myself is something I've never gotten to do or even thought I'd do. Why, might you ask? One, because I've got the memory span of a f...746 likes·32.7K readsyearinreview
Matt Davisonmattdavison.hashnode.net·Dec 17, 2022How I got here - life.history.back(); | #DevRetro2022Dev Retro 2022 has arrived on Hashnode and developers across the internet are taking a moment to reflect on the journey that has got them to where they are today, and I'm no exception to this. With the hype surrounding Spotify Wrapped, and other simi...449 likes·793 readsJavaScript
Victoria Lovictoria.hashnode.net·May 20, 2021Featured365 Days of Hashnode: How I Overcome Imposter's SyndromeHello everyone! Today's article is a special one, because a year ago on this date, I published my first article at Hashnode! Thank you to everyone who wished me happy 1-year anniversary in advance! A special thank you to Mr. Unity Buddy for this wo...406 likes·3.0K readsVictoria's Blogging TipsTIL
Hamidah Bamidele-Alaohamidahbamidelealao.hashnode.net·Mar 14, 2024Outreachy 2025: Your guide towards a successful applicationOutreachy Outreachy is an incredible program offering paid internships in open-source communities for people subject to systemic bias and impacted by underrepresentation in the technical industry where they are living. But between the initial applica...outreachy
JannikT1jannikt1.hashnode.net·Jul 28, 2023pariatur pariatur tempor ad id laborumMinim aliqua ipsum dolor sunt ea. Consequat anim cupidatat eiusmod elit deserunt proident labore sint ex amet ex et eiusmod reprehenderit officia. Eu exercitation irure duis veniam ullamco ea excepteur eu consectetur aliquip esse irure cupidatat duis...React Native
Ijeoma Igboaguijaycent.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023How to Boost Your Creativity – Strategies for Generating Ideas and Overcoming Writer's BlockDo you ever find yourself stuck when it comes to writing or unable to come up with creative solutions to a problem? Don’t worry—you are not alone. Everyone experiences writer's block or a lack of creativity at some point. As writers, we may sometimes...2 likesTechnical writing
Charles Omofuma Ituahcharlieituah.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023The Benefits of Implementing GitOps in Your CI/CD PipelineIf you are thinking about incorporating GitOps into your digital transformation strategy, it is likely that you are seeking to simplify your internal production environment procedures. In this article, we will present the advantages of GitOps and dem...1 likeDevops
Charles Omofuma Ituahcharlieituah.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023The Benefits of Implementing Blue/Green Deployment in Your CI/CD PipelineWhat exactly is Blue-Green Deployment? Blue-green deployments refer to a Continuous Delivery technique that aims to eliminate deployment downtime and enables almost instant rollbacks. The method involves setting up two production environments, Blue a...Devops
Nilabja Sarkarnilabja.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Getting Started with Git: A Beginner's GuideIntroduction to Git Git is an amazing tool to work with. Git is a popular version control system for software development. Git enables collaboration between different developers working on the same project by allowing developers to keep track of chan...Git
Charles Omofuma Ituahcharlieituah.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023The Benefits of Implementing Serverless Architecture in Your CI/CD PipelineServerless architecture has been gaining momentum in the past few years as a popular way of building and deploying applications. It eliminates the need for developers to manage and maintain servers, allowing them to focus on writing code and deliveri...Devops
Ahmad Ateyaahmadateya.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023Lessons Learned from Google's Technical Writing Experts: Clear, Short Sentences and ParagraphsIntroduction In our previous blog post, we explored some key tips for effective technical writing, including choosing the choosing right words and using the active voice in our sentences. In this article, we delve deeper into the subject by examining...3 likesTechnical WritingTechnical writing
Scofield Idehenscofield.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 202310 Ways to Leverage AI in your jobit is no secret that Ai is sweeping the global market, and many big corporations rely more on AI than humans; artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining popularity. The tech industry is currently going through a big job slash as every big tech company ...job search
Euphemia Chikungulutechempress.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Persuasive TechnologyPersuasive technology refers to the design of technology that is intended to influence or change people's attitudes or behaviors. It involves the use of various techniques, such as social influence, personalization, and feedback, to encourage users t...technology