Avneesh Agarwalavneesh0612.hashnode.net·Aug 28, 2021Introducing Voyagger - Connecting people, Changing livesHey all, during August I worked on Voyagger for the Auth0 x Hashnode hackathon. Inspiration When I read about this competition I started brainstorming ideas when it struck me- A hassle-free delivery service. These tough times have made us all aware ...413 likes·1.3K readsAuth0
Lucy Macartneycodingwithlucy.hashnode.net·Mar 1, 2023FeaturedBuild a shopping cart in Next.js with use-shopping-cart and StripeAre you looking for an easy way to build a shopping cart for your Next.js website? With the use-shopping-cart library and Stripe, you can quickly and easily create a powerful shopping cart. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add Stripe Checkout a...135 likes·1.7K readsNext.js
Avneesh Agarwalavneesh0612.hashnode.net·Aug 17, 2021Accept payments through Stripe in a Next.js appIntroduction Did you ever want to create an e-commerce platform and earn through it? https://media.giphy.com/media/MX2lLeuGdWABSTt8ie/giphy.gif One of the most tricky parts would be accepting payments. So let's see how you can do it 😉 https://media....110 likes·2.4K readsstripe
Abhi Jainstrongbase.hashnode.net·Apr 13, 2023How to Integrate Stripe API in Nextjsworking with Stripe was so hectic task for me which I recently did on my client project. today In this blog I am going to write that experience and how did I do that as well. first, you have to set up the stripe account and build your products manual...1 likestripe
Anthony GitauforOpen Replay's Technical Blogopenreplay.hashnode.net·Apr 3, 2023Build Headless ECommerce With Nuxt.Js, Webiny CMS, And Stripe IntegrationsNuxt.js is is a lightweight front-end SSR framework for Vue. Vue allows us to build robust and engaging user interfaces of any complexity. Nuxt.js is built on the Vue structure to help us build production-ready Vue applications. This article will lev...Nuxt
Emmanuel Ugwuugwu.hashnode.net·Mar 17, 2023Build a crypto gift card store with Refine, Reloadly, and StripePreviously, web development was exclusively associated with the creation of intranet and internet-based web pages and websites. However, currently, it is more like developing web applications that outperform the complexity and size of traditional mo...10 likes·95 readsReact
HodlToM00Nhodltom00n.hashnode.net·Mar 11, 2023The Infamous NullPointerExceptionAh, null errors, I'm sure all developers have stumbled upon such an error at least a few times during their careers. Well, I'm no exception, which is why I have dedicated this article to my first experience in Android application development using Ja...DebuggingFeb
Lucy Macartneycodingwithlucy.hashnode.net·Mar 1, 2023FeaturedBuild a shopping cart in Next.js with use-shopping-cart and StripeAre you looking for an easy way to build a shopping cart for your Next.js website? With the use-shopping-cart library and Stripe, you can quickly and easily create a powerful shopping cart. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add Stripe Checkout a...135 likes·1.7K readsNext.js
Justina Kingsleyjustinakingsley.hashnode.net·Feb 22, 2023Ecommerce with Stripe: A How to guideIn today's digital age, it's crucial for businesses to have a seamless and secure payment system in place. Using an ecommerce platform that enables the integration of third-party payment providers like Stripe will simplify the payment process for cus...41 readsstripe
Asfand Rajaasfand687.hashnode.net·Feb 17, 2023Add Payments With Stripe using Node JsPayment integration into your web apps has always been a difficult task for me until I found Stripe's Charges API. In this article, we will discuss how we can leverage the Charges API to accept payments from users. Pre Requisites Understanding the ba...41 readsstripe
Noble Okechinobleokechi.hashnode.net·Feb 13, 2023How I Built Ecommerce store with Next.js + Medusa + Stripe + VercelWhen it comes to setting up an online store, finding the right hosting provider is essential. A reliable host can ensure that your website stays up and running, even during periods of high traffic. Vercel is a hosting provider optimized for performan...20 likes·63 readsstripe
Shivam Maggushivammaggu.hashnode.net·Feb 8, 2023Processing payments using Stripe SDK iOSAim Open the inbuilt Address and Payment Sheet of Stripe and start accepting payments from your customer. Minimum iOS Deployment Version 12.0 Stripe Frameworks Stripe (22.8.4) StripeApplePay (22.8.4) StripeCore (22.8.4) StripeUICore (22.8.4) Re...101 readsstripe
Sabian Finogwarsabianf.hashnode.net·Feb 5, 2023First money!Hello, wonderful person! Last week, one of our members gave us our first dollars and became our first Supporter! Despite this member not having tons of cash, in fact they have very little, they still decided to become a Supporter. That says something...33 readsMonetization