Nicolas FränkelforApache·Aug 31, 2022End-to-end tracing with OpenTelemetryWhether you implement or not microservices (and you probably shouldn't), your system is most probably composed of multiple components. The most straightforward system is probably made of a reverse proxy, an app, and a database. In this case, monitori...81 likes·1.2K readsDevops
Bogdan·Jan 21, 2022Starting with Spring Boot: how to make a RESTful GET endpointDisregard the Java hate wagon Java is often hated for various reasons one of them is being too verbose. However it's a great language that's continuously evolving and it's an absolute king of enterprise software, for the good or the bad. One of its ...51 likes·1.6K readsSpring BootSpring
Anna J·Apr 12, 2021Dockerising a MongoDB Microservice in Kotlin/Maven/Spring BootAs part of my training, I'm working on creating a smaller user microservice for a fake property website. After crafting the basic controller/service/repository and the testing alongside it, we were tasked with dockerising both the application and the...48 likes·1.1K readsDocker
Pranjal·Apr 24, 2023Getting Started with Spring BootWhat is Spring? Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications. Spring handles the infrastructure so you can focus on your application. What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot provides...Springboot
Mani·Apr 23, 2023Spring Batch with Spring Boot 3.0In this article, We will explore batch processing, real-world examples, and how to use Spring Batch with Spring Boot 3 to develop efficient batch applications. So let's get started. Batch Processing: Batch processing is a fast way to complete a large...11 likes·65 readsJava
Maheshwar·Apr 23, 2023RabbitMQ + Spring Boot ExampleIntroduction Message Queues are used to handle the communication between different systems in a distributed environment. RabbitMQ is one of the most widely used message brokers. It is an open-source message broker that implements the Advanced Message...1.3K readsSpring BootJava
Sujeet·Apr 22, 2023Building a GraphQL API with Spring Boot: A step-by-step guideGraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows you to specify exactly what data you need and get only that, no more and no less. Spring Boot, on the other hand, is a popular framework for building enterprise-grade applications in Java. In this blog...30 readsgraphql api
Alexander·Apr 22, 2023Implement WebSocket communication with RabbitMQIntroduction Real-time communication between client and server applications has become an essential feature in modern web applications. WebSocket is a communication protocol that enables real-time, bidirectional communication between a client and a s...Java
Maheshwar·Apr 22, 2023Spring Data JPA Derived Query methods with ExampleWhen using Spring Data JPA, developers can use derived query methods to generate queries based on the name of the method. This approach eliminates the need for manually writing queries, reducing boilerplate code and increasing productivity. Derived q...334 readsSpring BootSpringboot
Maheshwar·Apr 21, 2023Spring Boot + AWS S3 CRUD operationsAmazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud-based object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows developers to store and retrieve files (objects) of any size from anywhere in the world, using simple API calls. In this artic...Spring BootSpringboot
Gassai·Apr 18, 2023How to Dockerize a Spring Boot App with PostgreSQLIn this article, I will show you how to use Docker with SpringBoot and PostgreSQL, to follow up you should have a basic understanding of what is Docker, Maven installed, experience with Spring Boot and an IDE of your choice. Notice: If you already ha...5 likes·141 readsDocker
Shai·Apr 18, 2023Spring Boot Debugging with Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. In simple terms, it helps you keep your code clean, modular, and easy to maintain. We can leverage AOP ...21 likes·212 readsSpringboot
Idan·Apr 18, 2023Introducing BoostWhat is Boost Boost is a modern tool for managing and monitoring actuator-enabled microservices that aims to make the process more user-friendly and straightforward. One of our main goals with Boost was to create a tool that just works out of the box...30 likes·56 readsDevops