Abhishek Singhmakeitsimple.hashnode.net·May 25, 2022How to send Firebase notifications from Spring Boot to Flutter App?Hello everyone, if you're developing an application where you want to send notifications from the backend to any platform android, ios, or web then this is the right article for you 😁 Prerequisite: Setup a Spring Boot project with at least these ...11 likes·467 readsSpring Boot
Prajwal Mbprajwalbandak.hashnode.net·Jan 28, 2023Exploring the Different Methods for Creating a Spring Boot ApplicationIn this blog which is part of the spring boot tutorial, you will get to know the different methods to create the spring boot application. There are several ways to create a Spring Boot application: Spring Initializer: This is a web-based tool that a...6 likes·53 readsSPRING-BOOT Spring Boot
Nicolas Fränkelfrankel.hashnode.net·Nov 8, 2020From Spring Boot to MicronautIn the last couple of years, I've been playing a bit with a generation of tools in the Java world, namely Micronaut, Quarkus and GraalVM. While I'm a Spring Boot fan since its beginning, I believe this quite an eye-opening opportunity. In this post, ...4 likes·51 readsKotlin
Pranjal Goyalthe-spring-boot-chronicles.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023Getting Started with Spring BootWhat is Spring? Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications. Spring handles the infrastructure so you can focus on your application. What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot provides...Springboot
Sujeet Kumartechstories-1682178166343.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 2023Building a GraphQL API with Spring Boot: A step-by-step guideGraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows you to specify exactly what data you need and get only that, no more and no less. Spring Boot, on the other hand, is a popular framework for building enterprise-grade applications in Java. In this blog...30 readsgraphql api
Pranay Gaikwadpranayblog.hashnode.net·Apr 17, 2023Hibernate – Save Image and Other Types of Values to DatabaseOverview In Hibernate, you can save images and other types of values as attributes of your entity classes using appropriate data types and mappings. To save images, you can use the @Lob annotation with a data type of byte[] or Blob to indicate that...Spring-HibernateSpringboot
Pranay Gaikwadpranayblog.hashnode.net·Apr 16, 2023Spring Framework ArchitectureOverview: The Spring framework is a widely-used open-source Java framework that provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for building enterprise applications. Its architecture is designed around two core principles: Dependency In...Spring-HibernateSpring
Yahaya Yusufomolluabii.hashnode.net·Mar 23, 2023Integrate Paystack Payment Gateway using Spring BootInstead of having to create the wheel from scratch, which is a lot of work, using third-party APIs to collect payment makes accepting payment from consumers simple. In this article, we will mostly be focusing on Paystack. I'll walk you through the pr...1 like·30 readspayment gateway
uday kumarutronics.hashnode.net·Mar 3, 2023Connect Spring Webflux with AstraDB- Cassandra database. CRUD operations.Introduction Spring WebFlux is a reactive web framework that is built on top of the Reactive Streams API. It is designed to help developers build scalable and responsive web applications using reactive programming principles. AstraDB is a distributed...38 readsspringwebflux
Prajwal Mbprajwalbandak.hashnode.net·Jan 28, 2023Exploring the Different Methods for Creating a Spring Boot ApplicationIn this blog which is part of the spring boot tutorial, you will get to know the different methods to create the spring boot application. There are several ways to create a Spring Boot application: Spring Initializer: This is a web-based tool that a...6 likes·53 readsSPRING-BOOT Spring Boot
Priyanshu Paratepriyanshutechblog.hashnode.net·Dec 17, 2022Deploy your spring boot Application on KubernetesTo deploy a Spring Boot REST service on Kubernetes, you can follow these steps Build a Docker image for your Spring Boot application. You can do this by creating a Dockerfile in the root directory of your project with the following contents: FROM o...31 readsSpring Boot
DaShaundashaun.hashnode.net·Oct 24, 2022Spring Boot Kamatera TerraformRecently, during the Spring Office Hours, we have been discussing Spring to Production as a topic. There are so many ways to get Spring Boot application to production. If your Spring Boot application is delivered as a container, all you really need i...82 readsSpring Boot
Abhishek Anandbootify.hashnode.net·Sep 18, 2022Tips to run Cron Jobs reliably using Spring Boot on KubernetesPhoto by James Harrison on Unsplash Spring Boot provides a very simple way of setting up Cron jobs in an application using Spring Scheduler. It can be easily packaged into a container , deployed on Kubernetes and it works like charm. All our producti...148 readsSpring Boot