Uddeepta Raaj Kashyapuddeepta.hashnode.net·Jun 23, 2022Implementing a Simple Linear Regression Machine Learning ModelIntroduction Suppose we are given a dataset where based on the area of the house, the prices are listed. We are asked to prepare a Machine Learning model which predicts the prices of the house based on the area of house that we supply as input to the...32 likes·243 readsMachine Learning
Rhythm Rawatrhythmblogs.hashnode.net·Apr 8, 2023Supervised Machine Learning Series:Decision trees(3rd Algorithm)Decision trees are one of the most popular and widely used machine learning algorithms. They are easy to understand and interpret, making them ideal for both beginners and experts alike. A decision tree is a tree-like structure that represents decisi...1 like·39 readsMachine Learning
Rick Hallrickhall2000.hashnode.net·Nov 17, 2022Incorporate custom functions in sklearn pipelineI was working on a tabular dataset problem on Kaggle, and I wrote a function to do some preprocessing. The function removed columns that had a correlation above a threshold. I wanted to experiment with different thresholds, and rather than tune it by...sklearn
Rhythm Rawatrhythmblogs.hashnode.net·Apr 8, 2023Supervised Machine Learning Series:Decision trees(3rd Algorithm)Decision trees are one of the most popular and widely used machine learning algorithms. They are easy to understand and interpret, making them ideal for both beginners and experts alike. A decision tree is a tree-like structure that represents decisi...1 like·39 readsMachine Learning
Bhagirath Deshani bhagirathkd.hashnode.net·Jan 6, 2023#33 Machine Learning & Data Science Challenge 33What is the pipeline in sklearn? A pipeline is what chains several steps together, once the initial exploration is done. For example, some codes are meant to transform features—normalize numerically, turn text into vectors, or fill up missing data,...27 readsMachine Learning & Data Science Interview ChallengesMachine Learning
Rick Hallrickhall2000.hashnode.net·Nov 17, 2022Incorporate custom functions in sklearn pipelineI was working on a tabular dataset problem on Kaggle, and I wrote a function to do some preprocessing. The function removed columns that had a correlation above a threshold. I wanted to experiment with different thresholds, and rather than tune it by...sklearn
yoonminrollingdev.hashnode.net·Aug 16, 2022Feature ControlGet in mind that I'm using... # checkout variable names. from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(<data>, <target>) Transformer sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures adds additiona...Datasklearn
Uddeepta Raaj Kashyapuddeepta.hashnode.net·Jun 23, 2022Implementing a Simple Linear Regression Machine Learning ModelIntroduction Suppose we are given a dataset where based on the area of the house, the prices are listed. We are asked to prepare a Machine Learning model which predicts the prices of the house based on the area of house that we supply as input to the...32 likes·243 readsMachine Learning