Bhavya SachdevaforKubesimplifykubesimplify.hashnode.netยทDec 21, 2022Automate repetitive tasks - Shell ScriptingIntroduction to Shell In simple terms, a shell is an interface that accepts user input in the form of commands and passes it on to an operating system and gives output.It is a medium between the user and the operating system to communicate with each ...128 likesยท3.9K readsshell
Xtreme PentestingforKubesimplifykubesimplify.hashnode.netยทJun 9, 2022Everything you need to know about the Linux 'ls' command.The ls command is one of the most commonly used Linux commands for listing available files or directories from the command line. In this article, we'll go over the ls command in depth, as well as some of the most important flags you'll need on a dail...45 likesยท2.4K readsLinux
Xtreme PentestingforKubesimplifykubesimplify.hashnode.netยทJun 6, 2022WTF is Linux Shell Command substitution.Command substitution allows you to assign the output of a shell command to a variable. This one of the most useful feature of shell scripts. After assigning the output to a variable, you can use the stored value anywhere in your shell scripts. This i...39 likesยท428 readsLinux
Arnav Singharnavdevops.hashnode.netยทApr 25, 2023Advanced Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps Engineers with User management.Task 1. Write a bash script that when the script is executed with three given arguments (one is the directory name and second is the start number of directories and third is the end number of directories ) it creates a specified ...Linux
Abhisek Moharanaabhisek6.hashnode.netยทApr 24, 2023Advanced Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps Engineers with User managementTask 1: Creating Multiple Directory using Shell Scripting Write a bash script "" that when the script is executed with three given arguments (one is the directory name and second is the start number of directories and third is the end script
Pranav Jambarelearnshellscriptwithpra9.hashnode.netยทApr 24, 2023Basic Of Shell Scripting -Part 5Pattern Search & Processing Commands : There are multiple pattern search commands which help us for getting exact data from huge data. There are multiple commands which help the script to get output effectively. awk sed grep sort diff AWK:Awk ...31 readsshell
Priyabrata Sahupriyabratasahu.hashnode.netยทApr 23, 2023Shell ScriptingWhat Is Kernel?The kernel communicates with other software components and user applications through system calls through the shell, which are commands that allow applications to access system resources such as the file system, network, and input/ script
Abhiraj Kharbadeabhirajdevops.hashnode.netยทApr 23, 2023Mastering DevOps: Advanced Linux Shell Scripting and User Management for Efficient OperationsAs a DevOps engineer, you need to be proficient in Linux shell scripting to automate tasks and manage systems efficiently. In this article, we will discuss a total of three tasks related to Linux shell scripting and user management. Task 1: Create Di...10 likesยท38 readsDevops
Pranav Jambarelearnshellscriptwithpra9.hashnode.netยทApr 23, 2023Basic Of Shell Scripting -Part 4Case Statements in Shell Script: You can use multiple if...elif statements to perform a multiway branch. However, this is not always the best solution, especially when all of the branches depend on the value of a single variable. Shell supports case....33 readsLinux
Sweety Samyasweetysamya.hashnode.netยทApr 22, 2023Day 5: Advanced Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps Engineers with User managementTasks: Write a bash script that when the script is executed with three given arguments (one is the directory name and the second is start number of directories and the third is the end number of directories ) it creates specified...2 likesยท190 reads#90daysofdevops
Arnav Singharnavdevops.hashnode.netยทApr 22, 2023Basic Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps Engineers.What is Kernel? The Kernel is a core component of an operating system and serves as the main interface between the computer's physical hardware and the processes running on it. The kernel enables multiple applications to share hardware resources by p...1 likeยท65 readsDevops
Santosh Chauhandevopscsant.hashnode.netยทApr 22, 2023~:Shell Scripting Tutorial:~Script for echoing a message: #!/bin/bash echo "Hello! how are you?" echo "hey! I'm fine." Script for creation of dir & files under the dir: #!/bin/bash mkdir new_folder cd /home/ubuntu/shell_script/new_folder echo "this is the new file" > script
Pranav Jambarelearnshellscriptwithpra9.hashnode.netยทApr 22, 2023Basic Of Shell Scripting -Part 3Loops In Shell Script A bash for loop is a bash programming language statement that allows code to be repeatedly executed. It is the repetition of a process within a bash can run the UNIX command or task 5 times or read and process...56 readsLinux