·Jan 21, 2021Redux coding interview questions for React developers in 2021Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces. Here is a list of coding interview questions on Redux to help you ...34 likes·344 readsRedux
Itish·Feb 10, 2022Redux is telling to use Redux ToolkitWhat is Redux ToolKit? 🛠️ Introduction The Redux Toolkit package was developed to be the new standard way to write Redux code, handling three major concerns about Redux itself... "Configuring a Redux store is too complicated" "I have to add a lot o...18 likes·129 readsReact
Chibuokem·Nov 20, 2020Better Redux with Redux-toolkit (Inclds. redux hooks and sagas)One of the biggest complaints about using Redux in a React application was how much boilerplate code and packages you had to set up each time you had to use Redux. Redux-toolkit addresses this problem by abstracting over and handling some common use ...13 likes·184 readsApplication Level State Management in ReactReact
Gokul·Mar 9, 2023What is the difference between redux ,redux thunk and redux saga with example and when to use whatRedux: Redux is a state management library for JavaScript applications. It provides a centralized store to manage application state and enables predictable state management by enforcing a strict unidirectional data flow. It also offers features like ...1 likeRedux
Nadeem·Feb 14, 2023Advantages of Redux Saga over Redux ThunkIntroduction : When building complex applications using Redux, managing asynchronous operations can be challenging. Middleware libraries, such as Redux Thunk and Redux Saga, provide solutions to manage side effects such as making API calls, dispatchi...1 like·48 readsRedux
O'Neal·Feb 12, 2023Why I'm skipping React Redux to study Zustand for state management and Why You Should Too!State management is an important aspect of building modern web applications, as it helps manage the data flow between different components. In recent years, React Redux has been the go-to solution for state management in React applications. However, ...React·Sep 26, 2022Test Redux Connect Components with EnzymeFollowing Along In order to follow along with this lesson, we need to add a couple things to our project. In our src folder, we need to add TodoList.css TodoList.js TodoList.test.js store.js Within these files: Todolist.css * { box-sizing: bord...39 readsReact Component Testing React
Anshul·Sep 23, 2022Redux and Redux SagaWhat is Redux? We require a tool through which we can control the state of our apps (data). Redux is a state management tool, and that is what it does. Consider it as a storage space for all the data, which provides access to the entire app data (or,...1 like·64 readsRedux
Md.Al-Amin·Jul 26, 2022Redux Saga With ExampleDisclaimer: I assume you know Redux in this blog. (If you don't know you can read this blog) Redux Saga is a middleware of Redux. Now, What is the middleware of Redux? The middleware of Redux is the extension between dispatching an action and the re...1 like·103 readsReactRedux
rupesh·May 10, 2022Improve React App Performance - Redux/Saga Code Splitting-[ Part 2 ]In Part I Post, I shown before and after performance report of SaaS frontend app. Main bundle size was reduced from 5mb to around 1.5mb :partying_face: by following below approaches. Let us deep dive how we achieved it. Code Splitting At Multiple ...163 readsReact
Dinesh Imaduwa·Apr 22, 2022Redux And New React-redux HookIf you are a React developer, you must have heard of Redux for sure. While Redux is such an important tool for React developers, it also introduces extra code and a cumbersome setup. However, with the popularity of functional components and hooks, Re...1 like·145 readsJS frameworks & LibrariesRedux
Afolabi Ridwan·Feb 18, 2022Working at a startup companyI started working full Frontend Engineer at a upcoming startup company for the last 3weeks now and I can tell you this is the best decision and the best thing that has happened to me in a while and will forever be, that’s because I don’t see myself l...99 readsjobs
Itish·Feb 10, 2022Redux is telling to use Redux ToolkitWhat is Redux ToolKit? 🛠️ Introduction The Redux Toolkit package was developed to be the new standard way to write Redux code, handling three major concerns about Redux itself... "Configuring a Redux store is too complicated" "I have to add a lot o...18 likes·129 readsReact