Michael Linmichaellin.hashnode.net·Feb 1, 2023FeaturedWhy I Quit a $450,000 Engineering Job at NetflixGolden handcuffs — when you stay at a job that you’d rather quit only for the money. I thought I was going to stay at Netflix forever. Top of market pay. Freedom and responsibility. Unlimited PTO. What more could you ask for? So when I quit Netflix i...512 likes·14.6K readsCareer
Francesco Ciullafrancescociulla.hashnode.net·Sep 29, 2020FeaturedSOLID Principles in JavaScriptThe SOLID principles are software design principles that help us understand how we can structure our code to be robust, maintainable, and flexible as much as possible. Here come the S.O.L.I.D. principles: S: Single Responsibility O: Open/Close L: ...396 likes·7.2K readsJavaScript
Yogini BendeforPeerlistpeerlist.hashnode.net·Aug 6, 2022FeaturedFrom Side Project to Startup - things I learned in a year.5th Aug 2022, Peerlist marks its first year! A big deal? Obviously, yes! Looking back in time and seeing a year has passed, building a product from scratch is overwhelming. Too many thoughts, learnings, wins, and failures but a journey worth cheris...394 likes·12.3K readsGeneral Programming
Asritha Divineasritha.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Refs in React: Your Shortcut to DOM ControlIn React, ref is a way to access and interact with the DOM elements or components that are rendered by React. It allows you to get a reference to a DOM element or a React component instance, which can be useful in various scenarios like handling user...10 likesWeb Development
Andrew BaisdenforOpen Replay's Technical Blogopenreplay.hashnode.net·Apr 26, 2023How to use ChatGPT to boost your work and career 10xOpenAI's ChatGPT is a pre-trained conversational AI language model that produces text replies that resemble real people's responses to natural language questions. It uses transformer architecture and has been trained on a wide variety of online conte...chatgpt
Bodheeshbodheesh.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Promises in JavascriptIntroduction: Asynchronous programming is an essential concept in modern web development, where many operations rely on network requests, file I/O, or timers. Handling asynchronous code can be complex and challenging, leading to the infamous "callbac...29 likes·176 readsJavaScript
JMN jmn950-dev.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Without if else statements, your code is like a GPS without a map - directionless and destined to get lostIn Python (or any other programming language), "if-else" statements are used to make decisions in your code. Think of it like making a choice based on a condition. Let's find out how they work. Example 1 Imagine that you want to play a game outside. ...1 likePython 3
Vinay Rangarajuvinayrangaraju.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Lets Code Everyday - Day 23Question - 23: Move Zeroes Given an integer array nums, move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements. Example 1: Input: nums = [0,1,0,3,12] Output: [1,3,12,0,0] Example 2: Input: nums = [0] Output: [0] ...1 likeLets Code EverydayProgramming Blogs
Alex Cloudstaralexcloudstar.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Here's why everyone who tells you that you need a college degree to work in IT is lying.Hello everyone! My name is Alex Cloudstar and today I want to debunk something. One of the fears of those who wish to have a career in IT is that they either do not have higher education or they have a degree in a different field unrelated to technol...2 likesProgramming Blogs
Fakhruddin KWfmk23.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023First time working with multipart/form-dataRecently, While working on a task in RealDevSquad (https://www.realdevsquad.com/), I came across multipart/form-data. Multipart/form-data is an encoding type, we give to our HTML Forms. The purpose of encoding is to convert data in a standardized way...JavaScript
Dompeh Kofi Brightkekeli.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023If I Were To Start Programming AfreshThe Hoody Guy As a kid seeing the hoody guys in movies type fast and break into systems and hack vaults put me on the edge of my seat. That was just the inspiration, in my mind, I was going to be typing behind black screens with green fonts, I was g...Programming Blogs
Paolo Ferraripaoloferrari.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Introduction to Web scrapingIntroduction I have done this simple and fast introduction to the web scraping technique, to share with you what I have learned studying this topic. What is web scraping Why is it important Web Scraping vs API What can we do with the data scraped...1 likeweb scraping
Alexandre Calaçaalexandrecalaca.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Don't Let Slow Specs Slow You Down: How to Identify them [Part II]Greeting Hey guys, how've you been? It's AC, Alexandre Calaça here. Hope you enjoy this new article. Introduction This article Don't Let Slow Specs Slow You Down: How to Identify them [Part II] is the second part of a series dedicated to talk about ...Ruby