Victor Eke eke.hashnode.netΒ·Aug 1, 2022Spekni - A recognition platform built for developer endorsementsSpekni is a platform for recognizing developers making an impact, contributing to better open-source projects, helping other developers, creating quality tutorials, and writing helpful articles in the tech community for the sole purpose of getting th...136 likesΒ·1.2K readsProjectPlanetScaleHackathon
Haridarshan Choudharyharidarshan.hashnode.netΒ·Jul 31, 2022Introducing HookmarkHey! I hope you are doing good and probably wondering what this Hookmark is so let me take you through every detail of the product and the backstory associated with it. Hang tight! The problem. I spend a lot of time watching youtube videos related to...42 likesΒ·3.1K readsPlanetScaleHackathon
David HerbertforFlyCode Blogjpv-1649076767739.hashnode.netΒ·Nov 3, 2022How to Implement a Full-Text Search with PrismaThe search functionality is an indispensable feature in any website that is meant to help users find the correct information or content more quickly and easily. Furthermore, it can help improve user engagement on a website, thereby reducing bounce ra...41 likesΒ·2.5K readsprisma
Douglas Pinheiro Goulartdoougui.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 24, 2023Creating a complete Node.js test environment with Vitest, PostgreSQL and PrismaIntroduction In the world of software development, testing is a critical aspect of ensuring the quality and reliability of a product. Unit tests and end-to-end tests are two important types of tests that developers use to identify and fix bugs before...Node.js
Joe McKenneyjoemckenney.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 20, 2023Building a modern gRPC-powered microservice using Node.js, Typescript, and ConnectMicroservices in 2023 The microservice architecture is not new (1). On the contrary, itβs a well-written-on topic, with a deep space of exploration into its tradeoffs (2). Lots of folks say you donβt need them (3) and write about their harm; some com...1 likeNode.js
Nnamdi Umehnnamdi.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 18, 2023How to Build a CRUD App with NextJS and PrismaTL;DR By the end of the tutorial, we will have created a "WishList App" that enables users to save their favorite links for items they wish to buy in the future. We'll also have understood how to build a full CRUD app with NextJs API and persist our ...1 likeΒ·57 readsNext.js
Lorenzo Regaladolregaladohdez.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 13, 20235 Steps to Ship your NestJs + Prisma in DockerThis article shows how to dockerize our NestJS + Prisma application. We go beyond the basics, following the best practices from Dockerfiles and Snyk. Our final Dockerfile looks like this: FROM node:18 as build WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package.json ....Devops
Lorenzo Balderramathecodingsoup.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 13, 2023Prisma: A Revolutionary Approach to Database ManagementUnderstanding Prisma If you're a developer, you're likely familiar with the pain of traditional Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools. You've probably spent hours trying to get them to work properly, all while trying to maintain a stable and scalable...SQL
Dimitri Ivashchukd-ivashchuk.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 11, 2023Prisma Docs: Visual regression testing case studyPrisma is the next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM that streamlines database access, schema migrations, and code generation, enabling developers to build data-driven applications with greater efficiency and ease. Prisma's comprehensive document...visual regression testing
Archit Guptaarchitguptaarticles.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 10, 2023Getting Started with Prisma and MongoDB: A Comprehensive GuidePrisma is a well-liked ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool that enables type-safe and effective database interaction. Many databases are supported, including the well-liked NoSQL database MongoDB, which stores data in a JSON-like format. In this blo...3 likesΒ·37 readsprisma
Hoh Shen Yienshenyien.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 6, 2023FeaturedInsta-Next: Authentication with NextAuthIn this part, we will be building the authentication part of the web application using NextAuth.js. Particularly, we will look into the process of login and registration, as well as retrieving the active user information from the backend. Finally, we...27 likesFullstack Instagram Clone with Next.jsNext.js
Eric Goldmangoldman.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 6, 2023Integrate with HubSpot using PrismaSequin lets you sync your HubSpot data to your database in real-time. You can then use ORMs, like Prisma, to rapidly build your HubSpot integration. In this playbook, you'll learn how to set up HubSpot to work with Prisma using Sequin. You'll then wr...prisma
Hoh Shen Yienshenyien.hashnode.netΒ·Apr 6, 2023Insta-Next: Constructing Database with PrismaIn part 1, I created a simple class diagram to show the relationships between the classes. Picking up from where we dropped off in the last part, I will introduce Prisma, convert the class diagram into a Prisma Schema, and migrate and seed the databa...2 likesΒ·27 readsFullstack Instagram Clone with Next.jsNext.js