Akash R Chandranakashrchandran.hashnode.net·Oct 24, 2022Simple movies Telegram bot using PHPI have been using telegram for almost 4+ years and have made more than 30 bots during this period. I made the first one in PHP and the rest were build in Python and JavaScript. So today I thought why not make a simple telegram bot in PHP. That's why ...10 likes·156 readsPHP
Michael Fawoleadisotech.hashnode.net·Sep 30, 2022Registration and login with phpIn this article, I will be explaining everything that is hidden or not clear about the registration and login system in php. This article is for someone who is already familiar with local server like xampp or wamp. Creation Of Database Before you can...4 likes·217 readsregistration and login
Manjit Baishyamy-coding-roadmap.hashnode.net·Sep 13, 2022Day 21: CONSTRUCTORS in PHPAs we have already seen that defining a new object every single time with all its properties can become a very hassled task. In order to shorted this, we can use a function called CONSTRUCT. Construct performs the same work as what we discussed earli...3 likes·52 readsPHPConstructor functions
Henry Eleonuhenryeleonu.hashnode.net·Apr 17, 2023How To Encourage Best Practices in Python Programming By Complying With PEP8 Style GuideAs part of this blog post, I have added a YouTube demo on how to enable PEP8 compliance in Visual Studio Code. Enabling PEP8 Compatibility of Python Code in Visual Studio Code - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkwHwQ6l4wI Some of the best p...php8
Bruce Wellsphpfui.hashnode.net·Apr 12, 2023PHP Object Oriented ProgrammingI often see other developers having trouble with "Object Oriented Programming". Often they claim it does not work, or it gets "too complex", or hard to understand. And I have been there, done that in my youth, but I still use OO (object oriented) pro...php8
Karlebkarleb.hashnode.net·Apr 10, 2023Model Relationships In LaravelThe eloquent relationship provides a fluent way by which we define the relationship between databases and their respective models in Laravel. It is an important feature of the framework and one of its selling points, it is important to be familiar wi...1 likeLaravel
Simon Ugorjioctagon.hashnode.net·Apr 10, 2023How To Read A CSV File & Write Data Into It Using PHPI'm currently building an email software with PHP to help companies send newsletters to their contact list and I implemented a feature that would enable the software to read & write data into a contact list in CSV format. I will start by explaining w...PHP
Saravana Sai saravanasai.hashnode.net·Mar 15, 2023Essential Composer v2.4 CommandsIntroduction A composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. The composer is not a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt...52 readsDevops
Saravana Sai saravanasai.hashnode.net·Mar 4, 2023Should I Learn PHP in 2023?Introduction Hi folks, welcome. We are going to talk about whether I should learn PHP in 2023. Most of you are considering Node-JS Angular and Other Latest Frameworks and libraries. Let's see about the history of PHP & where it's now in 2023. History...33 readsphp8
Abu Zakariaabu-zakaria.hashnode.net·Feb 20, 2023Debugging Guide for PHP DevelopersIntroduction This article covers some tools that can help you as a PHP developer. If you are using var_dump() and print_r() every time you try to debug your code, this article will help you save a lot of time at debugging. What is debugging? The term...3 likes·94 readsPHP
Billions Joelbillionsjoel.hashnode.net·Feb 20, 2023How to Install PHP 8 on a Mac with HomebrewPHP is a popular programming language used to create dynamic websites and web applications. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of installing PHP 8 on a Mac using Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS. Before we start, it’s i...2 likes·29 readsphp8
Rishiraj Purohitri5h.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2023Arrow Functions in PHPInspired by Javascript's arrow function, I guess? es6-in-depth-arrow-functions The short closures called arrow functions are one of the long-due functionalities that PHP 7.4 will bring. It is proposed by Nikita Popov, Levi Morrison, and Bob Weinand a...php8
NaveenJoshuvanaveenjoshuva.hashnode.net·Jan 18, 2023OOPS Classes and Objects EP-1Recap The Previous blog said that a Class is the blueprint of a class and an object is an instance of class from that blueprint you can build houses. Object data type Php has a generic class implementation called std(Standard) class that you could us...34 readsphp8