Nnaji Chimuanyannajichimuanya.hashnode.net·Apr 21, 2022Authentication using PassportJSQuick Introduction to PassportJS Requirements Guide on setup Here is a working example What is PassportJS? Passportjs is an authentication middleware for Node.js. A comprehensive set of strategies support authentication using username and password, ...16 likes·326 readsNode.js
Jan Vlnasjnv.hashnode.net·Nov 28, 2022How to use Twitter OAuth 2.0 and Passport.js for user logintl;dr Use the Node.js package @superfaceai/passport-twitter-oauth2 to handle user authentication with Twitter's v2 API and Passport.js. https://github.com/superfaceai/passport-twitter-oauth2 Read on for the background, how to obtain Twitter credentia...8 likes·80 readsTwitter
Kelvin Mwinukakelvinmwinuka.hashnode.net·Dec 21, 2020Create Registration & Authentication with Express & PassportJSIn this article, I’m going to demonstrate how to build a user registration and authentication system in ExpressJS. In the previous article, we set up a MongoDB connection using Mongoose. Here we’ll be using that connection to save user data and use i...5 likes·124 readsThe ExpressJS Series.Tutorial
Jan Vlnasjnv.hashnode.net·Jan 20, 2023Instagram Graph API Explained: How to log in usersThere are two ways how to access the Instagram API: Through Instagram’s Basic Display API Through Instagram Graph API Instagram Basic Display API is limited to read-only access to a user’s profile and isn’t intended for user authentication. It’s ...4 likesInstagram Graph APIinstagram
Shreyash Rangrejshreyashrangrej.hashnode.net·Dec 23, 2022Guide on how to Implement authorization and authentication in an Express.js API with Passport.jsInstall the necessary packages: To get started, you will need to install the following packages: express: This is the web framework for building the API. passport: This is an authentication middleware for Node.js that helps you authenticate request...Express.js
Wen-liang Suwensu.hashnode.net·Dec 5, 2022Cookie and SessionHTTP stateless To talk this subject, we have to know what is the stateless protocol in HTTP. The stateless protocol means that when the computers communicate with each other, they don’t care their state and all the requests are independent. Their res...Node.js
Jan Vlnasjnv.hashnode.net·Nov 28, 2022How to use Twitter OAuth 2.0 and Passport.js for user logintl;dr Use the Node.js package @superfaceai/passport-twitter-oauth2 to handle user authentication with Twitter's v2 API and Passport.js. https://github.com/superfaceai/passport-twitter-oauth2 Read on for the background, how to obtain Twitter credentia...8 likes·80 readsTwitter
Gabriel Menezesmnzs.hashnode.net·May 20, 2022Setup Project and Fastify Platform - NestJs with Passport #01In this series of posts I will create an Authentication system with Passport using social auth and JWT. Let's use the combination of NestJs + Passport + Fastify to create a complete authentication system. So in this first part, we start with a blank ...nestjs
Nnaji Chimuanyannajichimuanya.hashnode.net·Apr 21, 2022Authentication using PassportJSQuick Introduction to PassportJS Requirements Guide on setup Here is a working example What is PassportJS? Passportjs is an authentication middleware for Node.js. A comprehensive set of strategies support authentication using username and password, ...16 likes·326 readsNode.js
Saurabh Dashorasaurabhdashora.hashnode.net·Jan 10, 2022How to implement NestJS Passport Authentication using Local Strategy?In this post, we will learn how to implement NestJS Passport Authentication using the passport local strategy. Authentication is a key aspect of any production-level application. While there are many ways to handle authentication, one of the more po...2 likes·169 readsnest
Blogs | CodeCardcodecard.hashnode.net·Nov 28, 2021Users Authentication using Passport.js with Node (Express.js)Short Story, Simple Story Okay, I am going to tell you a short story about someone who is willing to go to Bali (Indonesia) but is restricted because of some authentication dispute. I am just kidding, let's get back down to business where I will be t...3 likes·254 readspassport
Umar Adejohstradoxcodes.hashnode.net·Aug 8, 2021Using Passport JS With Sequelize and PostgreSQLPassport js is a really flexible and unobtrusive authentication system for Node JS. It vastly simplifies authentication and can act as an auth session manager, or as an auth middleware. The package implements various authentication "Strategies", each...446 readsNode.js
JIMOH Mofoluwasho Kolawolekorlahwarleh.hashnode.net·Apr 18, 2021Laravel - React Fullstack Application with Passport, Redux and Material UI (Frontend)In this section, we are going to be kicking off with the react (frontend part of our application). In the previous section, we developed our REST API and tested the endpoints using postman. Firstly, we will start by creating a new react application, ...70 readsLaravel