Michael Hoffmannmokkapps.hashnode.net·Feb 21, 2022Dark Mode Switch With Tailwind CSS & Nuxt 3I am currently rewriting my portfolio website with Nuxt 3 which is still in beta. In this article, I want to show you how I implemented a dark mode switch in Nuxt 3 using Tailwind CSS that I will use in my new portfolio website. Create Nuxt 3 project...55 likes·768 readsVue.js
Iresh Sharmawatchireshstruggle.hashnode.net·Feb 15, 2022Making a mass emailerSo I am the GDSC Lead for my college and as the lead one of my duties is to recruit a talented team of developers, designers and managers called the GDSC Core team. The process was fun and after a lot of interviews I had finally decided my team, and ...53 likes·418 readsG-notifyNetlify
Alejandro Akbalalejandroakbal.hashnode.net·Mar 11, 2021How to detect and update to the latest version with Nuxt PWAIntroduction I was working on one of my Nuxt projects and noticed that some users were using old versions, which was causing some errors to pop up. I investigated and learned that sometimes PWAs don't update if the user doesn't manually refresh the w...43 likes·1.0K readsTutorial
Jakub Andrzejewskijacobandrewsky.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Improving the Performance of Nuxt with Delayed HydrationThe first time I heard about lazy/delayed hydration was three years ago when I joined my previous company. At first, I wasn't sure what it does (as at this time I was not experienced with SSR/SSG applications) so I was just aware of the term but have...Nuxt PerformanceNuxt
Devlin Bentleymeanderingthoughts.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Server Side Rendering Is Stupid And You (Probably) Shouldn't be Using ItDisclaimer: This post is explicitly talking about running JavaScript UI frameworks such as React and Vue server side to generate single page applications. It is not about traditional MPAs, or using Go/Python/Ruby/etc. This post is specifically in res...707 readsSSR
Jakub Andrzejewskijacobandrewsky.hashnode.net·Apr 17, 2023Measuring Nuxt Performance with Web VitalsMeasuring performance of web applications can be really tricky nowadays as there are several different factors that you need to take into account in order to correctly audit and measure the speed of your website. Thankfully, there are already great r...1 like·39 readsNuxt PerformanceVue.js
Gemma Blackgemmablack.hashnode.net·Apr 14, 2023How to set up Pirsch Analytics in Nuxt 2You may have your reasons for searching out an alternative to Google Analytics. If you want to get set up with Pirsch Analytics and Nuxt 2, you'll find the process very quick. Pre-requisites You will need a Nuxt application hosted on a live domain n...1 likeNuxt
Jakub Andrzejewskijacobandrewsky.hashnode.net·Apr 11, 2023Improving Performance of Nuxt with FontaineI am always amazed by what you can do to improve the performance of your website by focusing on the things that initially does not look that complex. In the past, I thought that you can only make your app faster by optimizing backend like database op...101 readsNuxt PerformanceNuxt
Anthony GitauforOpen Replay's Technical Blogopenreplay.hashnode.net·Apr 3, 2023Build Headless ECommerce With Nuxt.Js, Webiny CMS, And Stripe IntegrationsNuxt.js is is a lightweight front-end SSR framework for Vue. Vue allows us to build robust and engaging user interfaces of any complexity. Nuxt.js is built on the Vue structure to help us build production-ready Vue applications. This article will lev...Nuxt
Jakub Andrzejewskijacobandrewsky.hashnode.net·Apr 3, 2023Continuous performance audits with Lighthouse CIPerformance is an area in software development that is important no matter what application you are building. Delivering a great experience to users is crucial for having a great software product, and performance is one of the key values of it. If yo...1 like·60 readsNuxt PerformanceVue.js
Joshuajoshytheprogrammer.hashnode.net·Apr 1, 2023Getting started with NuxtjsIntroduction Nuxt is a popular open-source framework based on Vue.js for building server-rendered, static and single-page web applications. The latest version of Nuxt, Nuxt 3, was released in October 2021, and it comes with a lot of new features and ...getting started
Juan Boadajboada.hashnode.net·Mar 20, 2023Nuxt 3, UnoCSS, and Preset rem to pxHello everybody! 👋 This post is about generating px units by default in UnoCSS when used in Nuxt 3. Preamble Working on a project that uses Nuxt 3 and Vuetify; UnoCSS was the choice to handle the CSS tweaks/adjustments because it offers many advant...nuxt3
Justin Rameljustindev.hashnode.net·Mar 19, 2023Introduction to Nuxt & Vue.js: Getting StartedIn this first of a series of posts, I will introduce you to Nuxt.js – an open-source framework that makes web development simple and powerful with Vue.js. I’ve recently been writing about Next.js where we created a simple app to try out the main feat...NuxtNuxt