Kaltrin IsmailiforCodeChemvisible-pets-embarrass-94.hashnode.net·Nov 19, 2020Using EntityFramework Core and SQLite with Xamarin FormsData persistence plays a big role in almost every application there is. With the introduction of .NET Core and EntityFramework Core a new possibility arose when it comes to data persistence. Now it is possible to use EntityFramework Core to generate ...37 likes·1.3K reads.NET
Boris Stanojevicbostano.hashnode.net·Jan 22, 2021On Static Classes In C#C# is a powerful high-level programming language that has tons of features. One of those features is static classes. In this article, I will provide my own thoughts and feelings on the feature. What are static classes? Static classes are classes that...24 likes·283 readsC#
Pavelkeenthinker.hashnode.net·Oct 13, 2020Change the .NET Core display languageHabits and languages We all have our habits. It also affects those of us who write software. A habit of many programmers is the display language of the programming language. We are used to reading the compiler's messages in a certain language! And t...23 likes·1.1K reads.NET
Barbra Wekebarbraweke.hashnode.net·Apr 19, 2023How to Add the Report Viewer Component to an ASP.NET Core ApplicationThe Report Viewer is a web-based component for visualizing data in meaningful ways and exporting SSRS RDL and RDLC reports. This blog provides knowledge on how to create an ASP.NET Core reporting web application to display SSRS RDL reports using the ...asp.net core
Nadeesh HirushanforNIBM Computing Societynibmcs.hashnode.net·Apr 4, 2023LINQ in C#Introduction LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful feature of C# that provides a simple and concise syntax to query data from various data sources, including objects, databases, XML files, and others. It was developed by a team of engineers ...1 like·26 readsC#
Barbra Wekebarbraweke.hashnode.net·Apr 4, 2023How to Generate an SSRS Report as a Password-Protected PDF Using the Bold Reports Report WriterSSRS (SQL server reporting services) is a powerful tool that enables users to create, deploy, and manage reports across an organization. However, there may be times when you need to secure sensitive information contained in your SSRS report by genera...1 like.NET
Tobechi Chukwuletahippreacher.hashnode.net·Mar 3, 2023Writing your First gRPC client for LND using C#Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board to my channel, today, we will be learning some basic lightning implementation using C#. Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened, take away every distraction, and let's fly. The lightning network and...101 readsBitcoin
Oscar Montenegro 🧙🏾♂️🌟unitcoding.hashnode.net·Jan 27, 2023How to consume a web api with C#❓This is a repost of my article published on my blog: Unit Coding go and check it out! ✨ In nowadays it’s hard to think about an application that cannot benefit from data, being this it’s own data or data from a third party source and that is exactly ...11 likes·46 readsREST API
DevNationamitjoshi.hashnode.net·Jan 27, 2023how to create console application in .net coreIntro:- Tables are used to display tabular data or text on terminal. Spectre.Console is a .NET library which is used to create console applications. Spectre.Console is rendering tables and adjust all columns to fit according to prompt. Table should...27 readsC#
Rajasekar Ssr.hashnode.net·Jan 24, 2023Current and popular topics related to .NET Core.Here are a few current and popular topics related to .NET Core that developers may be interested in: Blazor: Blazor is a framework for building web applications using C# and WebAssembly. It allows developers to use C# for both client-side and server...27 reads.net core
Geilton Xaviergeiltonxavier.hashnode.net·Dec 17, 2022[pt-br] Publicar uma aplicação .NET 6/ .NET Core no Azure AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)Nesse tutorial, não entrarei em detalhes sobre as tecnologias abordadas, apenas quero deixar essa receita de "bolo" para quem precisar de algo prático. Esse conhecimento foi adquirido em uma recente formação que tive na empresa que trabalho atualment...45 readsaks
Surjyo Bhattacharyasurjyob.hashnode.net·Dec 5, 2022Dependency Injection in Azure FunctionsWhat is Dependency Injection? As per Wikipedia : In software engineering, dependency injection is a design pattern in which an object or function receives other objects or functions that it depends on. A form of inversion of control, dependency injec...255 readsAzure Function
Nicolas Barlatiernicolasbarlatier.hashnode.net·Oct 17, 2022.NET Core Tip 3: Troubleshooting Memory Leaks within a .NET Console application running in Kubernetes with PerfViewerIn the previous article, we saw how to get the dump files to help us spotting the memory leak in our application. Today we will see how to use the dump files. We will use: PerfView: a free performance-analysis tool that helps isolate CPU and memory...133 readsPerfViewers