kiran·Feb 8, 2022SQL Server repeat rows for n number of timesTo repeat each row or record n number of times, based on some column value in a table, we could do it in two ways either by using CTE or if n is less than 2048 then you can do a simple inner join on master.dbo.spt_values table with a condition where ...117 readsSQL
kiran·Feb 16, 2022Identify and Delete Duplicate records in SQL ServerAs a developer, you already know that any database table should not contain duplicate rows. But sometimes, we overlook these principles due to certain requirements or when we are importing data from different data-source like csv, databases, json etc...120 readsSQL·Jun 24, 2019Use H2 Database to connect to any databaseH2 database is a powerful Java SQL database that is very fast, implements JDBC API, provides an html console, and has a very small footprint, around 2MB. Because of its size and the SQL compatibility that the H2 database provides, it can be used as a...206 readsh2
Nyan Fu·Feb 16, 2023AWS RDS - Restoring MSSQL Database From AWS S3 BucketAs of this writing, it is not possible to directly use the AWS console to restore an MSSQL database backup from AWS S3 Bucket to AWS RDS for SQL Server, unlike Aurora or MySQL databases. But, it is still possible to restore an MSSQL database backup i...AWS
Nyan Fu·Feb 15, 2023SAC - Unable to connect to data source (SSL: unable to find valid certification path to requested target)This error occurs while trying to save a new data connection in SAC. This is because SAC Cloud Agent encountered an issue while trying to connect to the specified MSSQL database as the database could not be found. Remediation Note: This is a workar...SAC
Erika A.·Jan 25, 20232023 Covid Data Analysis2019 was a pivotal year that will remain in our memories forever. The coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered our lives, leaving us with more questions than answers. When will this come to an end? Is there a way to prevent the emergence of new v...SQL
Mohamad·Dec 8, 2022Working with Database Servers on COLABCreate sample dataframe import pandas as pd from io import StringIO SAMPLEDATA = StringIO(''' tweet_id,sentiment,author,content 1956967341,"empty","xoshayzers","@tiffanylue i know i was listenin to bad habit earlier and i started freakin at his part...100 readscolabGoogle Colab
kiran·Sep 23, 2022Making REST-API call from SQL Server procedureRecently I had a requirement, wherein I had to import the data from one of the internal applications to the SQL Server for further processing. We had REST-API open at a particular endpoint so any other service can consume the API and fetch data for i...739 readsSQL
Alex·Jul 15, 2022How to mock mssql in NodeJS using JestThis week at work I've started writing some tests for a small application I've been developing over the last few months (late to write tests but better late than ever), and for the last couple days I've been struggling to mock mssql. The main reason ...165 readsSQL Server
kiran·Apr 10, 2022Track Data Changes in SQL Server with Change TrackingSQL Server provides three mechanisms to track data changes in the table objects. This mechanism is also a useful solution for implementing the audit and logging process for the SQL Server Instance. The mechanisms are Change Tracking also known as CT,...207 readsAuditSQL
kiran·Apr 3, 2022Auditing & Implementing Data Change Capture with Triggers in SQL ServerDatabase Auditing is a process of tracking and logging all events and capturing data changes in database objects, it not only helps businesses but is also a compliance requirement. In most cases when we want to implement capturing of data changes in ...91 readsAuditSQL
kiran·Apr 1, 2022Understanding Triggers in SQL ServerA trigger is an object having a collection of code or codes which fires automatically when an event occurs in the database server. The most used database events which cause the database to execute triggers are DDL(DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE) Event and ...48 readsSQL Server
kiran·Mar 17, 2022Find the overlapping date or time range in SQL ServerRecently I was working on a project, where the company wanted to track and manage all its assets and infrastructure in multiple locations. The tracking and management were done for all the types of assets including rooms, cubicles, and cabins trackin...211 readsSQL Server