Victoria·Apr 29, 2022Automating Tests with Selenium #3: Integrating with MochaHello everyone! Welcome back to Automating Tests with Selenium, a series where I will cover basic concepts and examples of automated testing with Selenium and Node.js. An intermediate knowledge of Node.js is recommended to follow along. In the previo...54 likes·3.6K readsAutomating Tests with Seleniummocha
Victoria·Jun 22, 2020FeaturedIntroduction to Unit Testing with Mocha & ChaiToday's post title sounds extremely delicious isn't it? But Mocha and Chai are not beverages, they are a JavaScript test framework and assertion library used for testing! Testing is an essential part of development. If you haven't read it already, pl...51 likes·1.7K readsJavaScript
Amrit -·Jun 12, 2019Featured[JavaScript] Why do we need tests?Running a program without tests is like using a mathematical formula without proof. We “hope” program will work as expected for every input. The process of converting pseudo code to a working program usually takes one special step at the end called ...28 likes·740 readsmocha
Fandy Aditya·Apr 25, 2023Unit Testing using Mocha, Sinon, and Chai in NodeJSWe use Mocha as the test framework, Chai for assertions, and Sinon.js for creating Doubles. Here's the code for installation: $ npm install sinon mocha chai --save-dev --save-dev is used because these modules are only needed during development. We d...unit testing
Sumit·Apr 21, 2023History of JavaScript and EcmaScript?JavaScript Javascript was invented by Brenden Eich in 1995. It was developed for Netscape and became the ECMA-262 standard in 1997. Initially known as the mocha after sometimes its name LiveScript, Netscape changed the name to javascript so they c...10 likesJavaScript
Raphael·Mar 22, 2023Unit Testing: Testing Rejected Promises with MochaTest Driven Development Recently I have taken an interest in TDD(Test Driven Development). It seems to be a stimulating process of writing tests, first, before committing any lines of code to an application. Like most, I am used to the reverse- assum...1 like·27 readsJavaScript
James·Feb 28, 2023An overview of software testing with Mocha and Chai using Node.jsLet me ask you a question. Would you be willing to use an untested product? Only those who don't mind minor glitches and occasional hiccups might say yes. A product that hasn't been tested is unpredictable, unreliable, and unable to provide customer ...29 readsJavaScript
Miguel Angel·Jan 4, 2023pg-mem and uuid_generate_v4() mockpg-mem is an open-source project for javascript (works in Node.js and the browser) where you can mock a Postgres server in memory, is pretty cool to use it on unit and local tests. And it comes with its own limitations, by default, pg-mem has no nati...88 readsPostgreSQL
Gaurav SinghforRoaming·Nov 27, 2022API Testing with Mocha, Chai and Supertest in NodeJs.Introduction Testing is essential today for building a robust application that may change frequently or extend later if you are learning Test Driven Development or looking to add API test cases in the backend, which may improve the debugging and test...209 readsSupertest
Vinayak·Nov 23, 2022How To Test An Application Running On Node.js Using Mocha and ChaiWhat are Mocha and Chai? Mocha is a JavaScript test framework used by developers around the world. It's an open-source library that anyone can freely use to create their own setup and playback system for automated and manual testing. Mocha runs tests...10 likes·73 readsNodeJSNode.js
Matthew·Oct 15, 2022Codecademy: assert.deepEqual()Overall this Codecademy lesson on assert.deepEqual does a good job of explaining what I imagine to be a very basic example of how to use deepEqual. At the end of the guided lesson the code looks as follows: const assert = require('assert'); describe...53 readscodecademy
Andy·Oct 2, 2022How to Learn Unit Testing Using CodewarsMany engineering teams value good software testing and there are a range of good testing suites available to full-stack engineers, but it can be difficult for entry-level engineers to get started on this and to work out ways to integrate this into th...14 likes·191 readsTesting·Sep 5, 2022Mocha Testing in Separate Files and DotenvIntroduction The main goal of dividing tests into multiple files is to make tests readable and easier to maintain. Each file should be responsible for a single responsibility. Here is how I separate tests into multiple files: Step by step First, we n...318 readsmocha