Damien Jacobsonmorbidlyocheese.hashnode.net·Apr 18, 2023v0.0.1 | hello worldI will be formatting the devlog titles like-so: v0.0.0 | title. The first half will describe the game's current version/state with the second half being the title of the post. Welcome to the first entry of my devlog for Mighty Vertical. I'm basicall...Mighty Vertical | Love2D GamedevGameDev
Damien Jacobsonmorbidlyocheese.hashnode.net·Apr 18, 2023v0.0.1 | hello worldI will be formatting the devlog titles like-so: v0.0.0 | title. The first half will describe the game's current version/state with the second half being the title of the post. Welcome to the first entry of my devlog for Mighty Vertical. I'm basicall...Mighty Vertical | Love2D GamedevGameDev