Ayushi Rawatayushi7rawat.hashnode.net·Nov 28, 2020Download Display Picture of an Instagram Account Using PythonHello world! I am attending a Technical Writing Bootcamp at @hashnode. Hashnode Bootcamp II is a free virtual Bootcamp to help beginner technical writers to improve their writing skill. This article is inspired by the latest session by Anna McDougall...113 likes·1.7K readsTechnical Tutorial - Python ProjectsPython
Sreekesh Iyersreekeshiyer.hashnode.net·Aug 28, 2022How I used Instagram to get better at CSSI've been an advocate of using plain CSS in web applications instead of using frameworks like Bootstrap. But it meant that I needed to be good at CSS in the first place. People have been using Instagram to scroll through entertainment for ages, but i...80 likes·1.2K reads#week2
Roselyn Howellroselyn.hashnode.net·Dec 22, 2020What is Fancy Text & Cool Text?Fancy text, sometimes also mistakenly known as fancy font, is actually a made from symbols using Unicode rendering. Unicode is a an industry standard way of encoding (rendering/showing) characters on a screen. While rendering the standard Latin alpha...68 likes·52 readsfonts
Francesco Orsiorsidev.hashnode.net·Apr 23, 2023Saving Instagram images automatically every hour with Node.js or PHPPrerequisites Just a web space where to execute a Node.js script.. or PHP script; alternatively you can run the script on your computer. If you want to run the script automatically you need Crontab installed where you execute the code or a free acc...webdev
Hoh Shen Yienshenyien.hashnode.net·Apr 11, 2023Insta-Next: Likes and FollowersIn this part, you will get to build the post liking and user following logics which forms a crucial part of Instagram. In essence, they are just POST requests under the hood. However, do note that the implementation implemented here is a simplified v...Fullstack Instagram Clone with Next.jsNext.js
Hoh Shen Yienshenyien.hashnode.net·Apr 6, 2023Insta-Next: Introduction & DesignsWelcome to Building Instagram Clone with Next.js series! In this first part, I'll briefly introduce what we'll be building, the tools, and set up of the project. Disclaimer: This is not a React tutorial, but more focusing on the overall Next.js workf...2 likes·34 readsFullstack Instagram Clone with Next.jsNext.js
Hoh Shen Yienshenyien.hashnode.net·Apr 6, 2023Insta-Next: Improving UI with Mantine and TailwindIn this part, we will start to make InstaNext looks better with Tailwind and Mantine UI. Along the way, I'll make use of Next.js's layout feature to build reusable layouts. If you decided to skip to this part, no worry, I got you covered. You can dow...1 like·46 readsFullstack Instagram Clone with Next.jsNext.js
dinesh realblogs.hashnode.net·Apr 2, 2023Automate Your Instagram Activity: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Bot with Selenium JavaScriptInstagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over a billion monthly active users. With such a large user base, it's no surprise that many people are interested in automating their Instagram accounts. One way to do this is by usin...10 likesinstagram
Vikrant Bhatvikrantbhat.hashnode.net·Feb 27, 2023A Step-by-Step Guide to Share images from Your Expo React Native App to Instagram StoriesLet's get started with this step-by-step guide to share images from your Expo React Native App to Instagram Stories! With this guide, you will be able to easily install the necessary libraries - react-native-view-shot and react-native-share - and cre...7 likes·637 readsExpo
Noob Sciencenoobscience.hashnode.net·Feb 24, 2023Artifact my Instagram?A few days ago Artifact, the startup by Instagram's co-founders, just hit the beta market on the play store and app store and I immediately downloaded it and I have some thoughts. You can get it from artifact.news. https://twitter.com/kevin/status/16...30 readsinstagram
Ketan Janaiketan07.hashnode.net·Feb 19, 2023How to Make an Instagram Bot With Python and InstaPyWhat do SocialCaptain, Kicksta, Instavast, and many other companies have in common? They all help you reach a greater audience, gain more followers, and get more likes on Instagram while you hardly lift a finger. They do it all through automation, an...bot
Avinash Kumarishaanmb.hashnode.net·Feb 6, 2023All About Social Media...Social media is a type of technology that allows people to communicate and share information on the internet. It's like a big online community where people can post and share things like pictures, videos, and written messages. Some popular social med...1 likesocial media
Siddharth Harsh Rajresearchersid.hashnode.net·Feb 5, 2023Client Server ArchitectureImagine you and your friends are playing a game where one of you is the “server” and the others are “clients.” The server has all the game pieces and makes decisions about the rules, while the clients ask the server for the pieces they need to play t...client-server